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如何在Laravel 5.1中更新hasMany关系

[英]How to update hasMany relationship in Laravel 5.1

I am totally new on Laravel, and I have implement the User table provided by Laravel Auth , and also I have create a table for the user meta data that is a Key Value pare table . 我在Laravel上是全新的,我已经实现了Laravel Auth提供的User表,并且我还为用户元数据创建了一个表,这是一个Key Value pare table

The user meta table is created by the following code : 用户元表由以下代码创建:

use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class UserMeta extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('user_meta', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->char('meta_key', 255);


     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

In my User model I have the following method: 在我的User model我有以下方法:

public function meta() {
    return $this->hasMany('App\Models\UserMeta');

and inside my UserMeta model I have the following method: 在我的UserMeta model我有以下方法:

public function user() {
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User');

Until now anything is fine. 到现在为止一切都很好。 So, when I register a new user I perform the following actions: 因此,当我注册新用户时,我执行以下操作:

$user = User::create(
        'name'     => $data['name'],
        'email'    => $data['email'],
        'password' => bcrypt( $data['password'] ),

if ( $user ) {

    $telephone_number = new UserMeta;
    $telephone_number->meta_key = 'telephone_number';
    $telephone_number->meta_value = $data['telephone_number'];

    $company = new UserMeta;
    $company->meta_key = 'company';
    $company->meta_value = $data['company'];

    $web_site = new UserMeta;
    $web_site->meta_key = 'web_site';
    $web_site->meta_value = $data['web_site'];


return $user;

I suppose that should be a better way to perform that same actions, but I don't know what is the other way :( :) 我想这应该是一个更好的方式来执行相同的操作,但我不知道是什么是另一种方式:( :)

So, the above code works very nice for me, but now the problem is with the value update. 所以,上面的代码对我来说非常好,但现在的问题是值更新。 In this case, how can I update the Meta Data when I update the user profile ? 在这种情况下,如何更新用户配置文件时更新Meta Data

In my update method of my UserControler , I perform the following actions: 在我的UserControler update方法中,我执行以下操作:

$user = User::where( 'id', '=', $id )->first(); $ user = User :: where('id','=',$ id) - > first();

$user->name  = $request->input( 'name' );
$user->email = $request->input( 'email' );
$user->password = bcrypt( $request->input( 'password' ) );


My $request->input(); 我的$request->input(); has the following extra fields that corresponding to meta values telephone_number , web_site , company . 具有以下额外字段,对应于元值telephone_numberweb_sitecompany

So, how can I update the meta values in the user_meta table ? 那么,如何更新user_meta表中的元值?

Looping through values 循环使用价值观

Firstly, you are right that you could loop through the three keys in your create method to: 首先,你是对的,你可以循环创建方法中的三个键:

// Loop through all the meta keys we're looking for
foreach(['telephone_number', 'web_site', 'company'] as $metaKey) {
    $meta = new UserMeta;
    $meta->meta_key = $metaKey;
    $meta->meta_value = array_get($data, $metaKey);

The Update Method: Approach One 更新方法:方法一

Then, in your update method 然后,在您的更新方法中

// Loop through all the meta keys we're looking for
foreach(['telephone_number', 'web_site', 'company'] as $metaKey) {
    // Query for the meta model for the user and key
    $meta = $user->meta()->where('meta_key', $metaKey)->firstOrFail();
    $meta->meta_value = array_get($data, $metaKey);

Note the firstOrFail() to end the query. 请注意firstOrFail()以结束查询。 This is just me being strict. 这只是我的严格要求。 If you wanted to add a meta value if it didn't exist, then you could replace that line with 如果你想添加一个元值,如果它不存在,那么你可以用它替换该行

// Query for the meta model for the user and key, or
// create a new one with that key
$meta = $user->meta()->where('meta_key', $metaKey)
    ->first() ?: new UserMeta(['meta_key' => $metaKey]);

The Update Method: Approach Two 更新方法:方法二

This approach is a little more efficient, but a more complex (but also potentially teaches about a cool feature of Eloquent!). 这种方法效率更高,但更复杂(但也可能教授Eloquent的一个很酷的功能!)。

You could load in all of the meta keys first (see lazy eager loading ). 您可以先加载所有元键(请参阅懒惰的预先加载 )。

// load the meta relationship

// Loop through all the meta keys we're looking for
foreach(['telephone_number', 'web_site', 'company'] as $metaKey) {
    // Get the first item with a matching key from the loaded relationship
    // Or, create a new meta for this key
    $meta = $user->meta
        ->first(function($item) use ($metaKey) { 
            return $item->meta_key === $metaKey; 
        }) ?: new UserMeta(['meta_key' => $metaKey]);
    $meta->meta_value = array_get($data, $metaKey);

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