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[英]How to wait until getJSON has gotten all records in jQuery

I have this script where I pull through photos from Flickr using jQuery. 我有这个脚本,可以使用jQuery浏览Flickr中的照片。 I'm using the zFlickrFeed script. 我正在使用zFlickrFeed脚本。 I need to pull through 300 images from Flickr but currently I'm getting 20 pulled through. 我需要从Flickr中提取300张图像,但目前我正在提取20张图像。 I think this is because my getJSON method is interrupted before it is finished. 我认为这是因为我的getJSON方法在完成之前被中断了。

How do I wait until all 300 have gone and then call my conditional methods? 我如何等待所有300个都用完之后再调用我的条件方法? The methods in the condition essentially render the JSON data into either a grid or list style layout. 条件中的方法实质上将JSON数据呈现为网格或列表样式布局。

$.fn.flickrfeed = function(userid, tags, options) { 

    // Set plugin defaults
    var defaults = {
        limit: 300,
        header: true,
        layout: 'list',
        imagesize: 'small',
        titletag: 'h4',
        title: true,
        description: true,
        date: true

    var options = $.extend(defaults, options); 

    // Functions
    return this.each(function(i, e) {
        var $e = $(e);

        // Add feed class to user div
        if (!$e.hasClass('flickrFeed')) $e.addClass('flickrFeed');

        // Define Flickr feed API address
        var api = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?lang=en-us&format=json&jsoncallback=?';
        if (userid != '') api += '&id=' + userid;
        if (tags != '') api += '&tags=' + tags;

        // Send request
        $.getJSON(api, function(data) {
            // Process the feeds
            if(options.layout == 'list') {
                _callback(e, data, options);
            else if(options.layout == 'grid') {
                _altcallback(e, data, options);

I would create a counter and once it hits the required number of calls, i'd hit the success function. 我将创建一个计数器,一旦它达到所需的呼叫次数,便会触发成功功能。

i'd add: var counter = this.length and in the $.getJSON success function, i'd add: if (--counter > 0) return; 我将添加: var counter = this.length并在$ .getJSON成功函数中添加: if (--counter > 0) return; this is the code: 这是代码:

var counter = this.length;
return this.each(function(i, e) {`

    var $e = $(e);

    // Add feed class to user div
    if (!$e.hasClass('flickrFeed')) $e.addClass('flickrFeed');

    // Define Flickr feed API address
    var api = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?lang=en-us&format=json&jsoncallback=?';
    if (userid != '') api += '&id=' + userid;
    if (tags != '') api += '&tags=' + tags;

    // Send request
    $.getJSON(api, function(data) {
        if (--counter > 0) return;
        // Process the feeds
        if(options.layout == 'list') {
            _callback(e, data, options);
        else if(options.layout == 'grid') {
            _altcallback(e, data, options);


Did you try rewriting the getJSON to the full-fledged $.ajax call and then use a .done() or success function call ? 您是否尝试过将getJSON重写为功能完善的$ .ajax调用,然后使用.done()或成功函数调用?

$.ajax({ url: api }).done(function(data) { // Process the feeds });

OR 要么

$.ajax({ url: api success: function(data) { // Process the feeds } });

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