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为什么我应该在 Java 中的方法参数上使用关键字“final”?

[英]Why should I use the keyword "final" on a method parameter in Java?

I can't understand where the final keyword is really handy when it is used on method parameters.我无法理解final关键字在用于方法参数时的真正方便之处。

If we exclude the usage of anonymous classes, readability and intent declaration then it seems almost worthless to me.如果我们排除匿名类的使用、可读性和意图声明,那么在我看来几乎毫无价值。

Enforcing that some data remains constant is not as strong as it seems.强制某些数据保持不变并不像看起来那么强大。

  • If the parameter is a primitive then it will have no effect since the parameter is passed to the method as a value and changing it will have no effect outside the scope.如果参数是一个原始参数,那么它将没有任何效果,因为参数作为值传递给方法并且更改它在范围之外不会产生任何影响。

  • If we are passing a parameter by reference, then the reference itself is a local variable and if the reference is changed from within the method, that would not have any effect from outside of the method scope.如果我们通过引用传递参数,那么引用本身就是一个局部变量,如果从方法内部更改引用,则不会在方法范围之外产生任何影响。

Consider the simple test example below.考虑下面的简单测试示例。 This test passes although the method changed the value of the reference given to it, it has no effect.尽管该方法更改了提供给它的引用的值,但该测试通过了,但没有任何效果。

public void testNullify() {
    Collection<Integer> c  = new ArrayList<Integer>();      
    final Collection<Integer> c1 = c;

private void change(Collection<Integer> c) {
    c = new ArrayList<Integer>();

public void nullify(Collection<?> t) {
    t = null;

Stop a Variable's Reassignment停止变量的重新分配

While these answers are intellectually interesting, I've not read the short simple answer:虽然这些答案在智力上很有趣,但我没有读过简短的简单答案:

Use the keyword final when you want the compiler to prevent a variable from being re-assigned to a different object.当您希望编译器防止将变量重新分配给不同的对象时,请使用关键字final

Whether the variable is a static variable, member variable, local variable, or argument/parameter variable, the effect is entirely the same.无论变量是静态变量、成员变量、局部变量,还是实参/参量变量,效果都是完全一样的。


Let's see the effect in action.让我们看看实际效果。

Consider this simple method, where the two variables ( arg and x ) can both be re-assigned different objects.考虑这个简单的方法,其中两个变量( argx )都可以重新分配不同的对象。

// Example use of this method: 
//   this.doSomething( "tiger" );
void doSomething( String arg ) {
  String x = arg;   // Both variables now point to the same String object.
  x = "elephant";   // This variable now points to a different String object.
  arg = "giraffe";  // Ditto. Now neither variable points to the original passed String.

Mark the local variable as final .将局部变量标记为final This results in a compiler error.这会导致编译器错误。

void doSomething( String arg ) {
  final String x = arg;  // Mark variable as 'final'.
  x = "elephant";  // Compiler error: The final local variable x cannot be assigned. 
  arg = "giraffe";  

Instead, let's mark the parameter variable as final .相反,让我们将参数变量标记为final This too results in a compiler error.这也会导致编译器错误。

void doSomething( final String arg ) {  // Mark argument as 'final'.
  String x = arg;   
  x = "elephant"; 
  arg = "giraffe";  // Compiler error: The passed argument variable arg cannot be re-assigned to another object.

Moral of the story:故事的道德启示:

If you want to ensure a variable always points to the same object, mark the variable final .如果要确保变量始终指向同一个对象,请将变量标记为final

Never Reassign Arguments永远不要重新分配参数

As good programming practice (in any language), you should never re-assign a parameter/argument variable to an object other than the object passed by the calling method.由于良好的编程习惯(用任何语言),你永远不应该重新分配参数/参数变量不是由调用方法传递的对象以外的对象。 In the examples above, one should never write the line arg = .在上面的例子中,永远不应该写一行arg = Since humans make mistakes, and programmers are human, let's ask the compiler to assist us.既然人会犯错,而程序员也是人,那就让编译器来帮助我们吧。 Mark every parameter/argument variable as 'final' so that the compiler may find and flag any such re-assignments.将每个参数/参数变量标记为“最终”,以便编译器可以找到并标记任何此类重新分配。

In Retrospect回想起来

As noted in other answers… Given Java's original design goal of helping programmers to avoid dumb mistakes such as reading past the end of an array, Java should have been designed to automatically enforce all parameter/argument variables as 'final'.正如其他答案中所述……鉴于 Java 的最初设计目标是帮助程序员避免诸如读取数组末尾的愚蠢错误,Java 应该被设计为自动将所有参数/参数变量强制为“最终”。 In other words, Arguments should not be variables .换句话说, Arguments 不应该是 variables But hindsight is 20/20 vision, and the Java designers had their hands full at the time.但事后看来是 20/20 的愿景,Java 设计者当时忙得不可开交。

So, always add final to all arguments?那么,总是在所有参数中添加final吗?

Should we add final to each and every method parameter being declared?我们应该为每个声明的方法参数添加final吗?

  • In theory, yes.理论上,是的。
  • In practice, no.在实践中,没有。
    ➥ Add final only when the method's code is long or complicated, where the argument may be mistaken for a local or member variable and possibly re-assigned. ➥ 只有当方法的代码很长或很复杂时才添加final ,其中参数可能被误认为是局部或成员变量并可能重新分配。

If you buy into the practice of never re-assigning an argument, you will be inclined to add a final to each.如果您接受从不重新分配参数的做法,您将倾向于为每个参数添加一个final But this is tedious and makes the declaration a bit harder to read.但这很乏味,并且使声明更难阅读。

For short simple code where the argument is obviously an argument, and not a local variable nor a member variable, I do not bother adding the final .对于参数显然是参数,而不是局部变量或成员变量的简短简单代码,我不会费心添加final . If the code is quite obvious, with no chance of me nor any other programmer doing maintenance or refactoring accidentally mistaking the argument variable as something other than an argument, then don't bother.如果代码很明显,我或其他任何程序员都没有机会进行维护或重构,不小心将参数变量误认为不是参数,那么请不要打扰。 In my own work, I add final only in longer or more involved code where an argument might mistaken for a local or member variable.在我自己的工作中,我只在更长或更复杂的代码中添加final ,其中参数可能会被误认为是局部变量或成员变量。

#Another case added for the completeness #为完整性添加了另一个案例

public class MyClass {
    private int x;
    //getters and setters

void doSomething( final MyClass arg ) {  // Mark argument as 'final'.
   arg =  new MyClass();  // Compiler error: The passed argument variable arg  cannot be re-assigned to another object.

   arg.setX(20); // allowed
  // We can re-assign properties of argument which is marked as final


Java 16 brings the new records feature. Java 16 带来了新的记录功能。 A record is a very brief way to define a class whose central purpose is to merely carry data, immutably and transparently.记录是定义类的一种非常简短的方式,其中心目的只是以不变和透明的方式携带数据。

You simply declare the class name along with the names and types of its member fields.您只需声明类名及其成员字段的名称和类型。 The compiler implicitly provides the constructor, getters, equals & hashCode , and toString .编译器隐式提供构造函数、getter、 equals & hashCodetoString

The fields are read-only, with no setters.这些字段是只读的,没有设置器。 So a record is one case where there is no need to mark the arguments final .因此, record是一种无需将参数标记为final They are already effectively final.它们实际上已经是最终的了。 Indeed, the compiler forbids using final when declaring the fields of a record.实际上,编译器在声明记录的字段时禁止使用final

public record Employee( String name , LocalDate whenHired )  // 🡄 Marking `final` here is *not* allowed.

If you provide an optional constructor, there you can mark final .如果你提供了一个可选的构造函数,你可以在那里标记final

public record Employee(String name , LocalDate whenHired)  // 🡄 Marking `final` here is *not* allowed.
    public Employee ( final String name , final LocalDate whenHired )  // 🡄 Marking `final` here *is* allowed.
        this.name = name;
        whenHired = LocalDate.MIN;  // 🡄 Compiler error, because of `final`. 
        this.whenHired = whenHired;

Sometimes it's nice to be explicit (for readability) that the variable doesn't change.有时,明确(为了可读性)变量不会改变是很好的。 Here's a simple example where using final can save some possible headaches:这是一个简单的例子,使用final可以节省一些可能的麻烦:

public void setTest(String test) {
    test = test;

If you forget the 'this' keyword on a setter, then the variable you want to set doesn't get set.如果您忘记了 setter 上的“this”关键字,那么您想要设置的变量不会被设置。 However, if you used the final keyword on the parameter, then the bug would be caught at compile time.但是,如果您在参数上使用了final关键字,那么该错误将在编译时被捕获。

Yes, excluding anonymous classes, readability and intent declaration it's almost worthless.是的,不包括匿名类、可读性和意图声明,它几乎一文不值。 Are those three things worthless though?这三样东西不值钱吗?

Personally I tend not to use final for local variables and parameters unless I'm using the variable in an anonymous inner class, but I can certainly see the point of those who want to make it clear that the parameter value itself won't change (even if the object it refers to changes its contents).就我个人而言,除非我在匿名内部类中使用变量,否则我倾向于不将final用于局部变量和参数,但我当然可以看到那些想要明确参数值本身不会改变的人的观点(即使它引用的对象改变了它的内容)。 For those who find that adds to readability, I think it's an entirely reasonable thing to do.对于那些发现这增加了可读性的人来说,我认为这是完全合理的做法。

Your point would be more important if anyone were actually claiming that it did keep data constant in a way that it doesn't - but I can't remember seeing any such claims.如果有人真的声称它确实以一种它没有的方式保持数据不变,你的观点会更重要 - 但我不记得看到任何这样的说法。 Are you suggesting there's a significant body of developers suggesting that final has more effect than it really does?您是说有大量开发人员认为final效果比实际效果要大吗?

EDIT: I should really have summed all of this up with a Monty Python reference;编辑:我真的应该用 Monty Python 参考来总结所有这些; the question seems somewhat similar to asking "What have the Romans ever done for us?"这个问题似乎有点类似于问“罗马人为我们做过什么?”

Let me explain a bit about the one case where you have to use final, which Jon already mentioned:让我解释一下你必须使用 final 的一种情况,Jon 已经提到过:

If you create an anonymous inner class in your method and use a local variable (such as a method parameter) inside that class, then the compiler forces you to make the parameter final:如果在方法中创建匿名内部类并在该类中使用局部变量(例如方法参数),则编译器会强制您将参数设为 final:

public Iterator<Integer> createIntegerIterator(final int from, final int to)
    return new Iterator<Integer>(){
        int index = from;
        public Integer next()
            return index++;
        public boolean hasNext()
            return index <= to;
        // remove method omitted

Here the from and to parameters need to be final so they can be used inside the anonymous class.这里fromto参数需要是最终的,以便它们可以在匿名类中使用。

The reason for that requirement is this: Local variables live on the stack, therefore they exist only while the method is executed.该要求的原因是:局部变量存在于堆栈中,因此它们仅在执行方法时存在。 However, the anonymous class instance is returned from the method, so it may live for much longer.但是,匿名类实例是从该方法返回的,因此它可能存在的时间更长。 You can't preserve the stack, because it is needed for subsequent method calls.您不能保留堆栈,因为后续方法调用需要它。

So what Java does instead is to put copies of those local variables as hidden instance variables into the anonymous class (you can see them if you examine the byte code).因此,Java 所做的就是将这些局部变量的副本作为隐藏的实例变量放入匿名类中(如果您检查字节码,就可以看到它们)。 But if they were not final, one might expect the anonymous class and the method seeing changes the other one makes to the variable.但是如果它们不是最终的,人们可能会期望匿名类和方法看到另一个人对变量所做的更改。 In order to maintain the illusion that there is only one variable rather than two copies, it has to be final.为了维持只有一个变量而不是两个副本的错觉,它必须是最终的。

I use final all the time on parameters.我一直在参数上使用 final 。

Does it add that much?加那么多吗? Not really.并不真地。

Would I turn it off?我会关掉它吗? No.不。

The reason: I found 3 bugs where people had written sloppy code and failed to set a member variable in accessors.原因:我发现了 3 个错误,其中人们编写了草率的代码并且未能在访问器中设置成员变量。 All bugs proved difficult to find.所有的错误都被证明很难找到。

I'd like to see this made the default in a future version of Java.我希望看到这在 Java 的未来版本中成为默认设置。 The pass by value/reference thing trips up an awful lot of junior programmers.传递值/引用的事情绊倒了很多初级程序员。

One more thing.. my methods tend to have a low number of parameters so the extra text on a method declaration isn't an issue.还有一件事..我的方法的参数数量往往很少,因此方法声明上的额外文本不是问题。

Using final in a method parameter has nothing to do with what happens to the argument on the caller side.在方法参数中使用 final 与调用方参数发生的情况无关。 It is only meant to mark it as not changing inside that method.它只是为了将其标记为在该方法内未更改。 As I try to adopt a more functional programming style, I kind of see the value in that.当我尝试采用更函数式的编程风格时,我看到了其中的价值。

Personally I don't use final on method parameters, because it adds too much clutter to parameter lists.我个人不会在方法参数上使用 final,因为它给参数列表增加了太多的混乱。 I prefer to enforce that method parameters are not changed through something like Checkstyle.我更喜欢强制方法参数不会通过 Checkstyle 之类的东西改变。

For local variables I use final whenever possible, I even let Eclipse do that automatically in my setup for personal projects.对于我尽可能使用 final 的局部变量,我什至让 Eclipse 在我的个人项目设置中自动执行此操作。

I would certainly like something stronger like C/C++ const.我当然喜欢像 C/C++ const 这样更强大的东西。

Since Java passes copies of arguments I feel the relevance of final is rather limited.由于 Java 传递参数的副本,我觉得final的相关性相当有限。 I guess the habit comes from the C++ era where you could prohibit reference content from being changed by doing a const char const * .我猜这个习惯来自 C++ 时代,您可以通过执行const char const *来禁止更改引用内容。 I feel this kind of stuff makes you believe the developer is inherently stupid as f*** and needs to be protected against truly every character he types.我觉得这种东西让你相信开发人员本质上是愚蠢的,需要保护他输入的每个角色。 In all humbleness may I say, I write very few bugs even though I omit final (unless I don't want someone to override my methods and classes).我可以谦虚地说,即使我省略了final (除非我不希望有人覆盖我的方法和类),我也写了很少的错误。 Maybe I'm just an old-school dev.也许我只是一个老派的开发者。

Short answer: final helps a tiny bit but... use defensive programming on the client side instead.简短回答: final有一点帮助,但是......在客户端使用防御性编程。

Indeed, the problem with final is that it only enforces the reference is unchanged, gleefully allowing the referenced object members to be mutated, unbeknownst to the caller.事实上, final的问题在于它只强制引用保持不变,高兴地允许被引用的对象成员在调用者不知情的情况下发生变化。 Hence the best practice in this regard is defensive programming on the caller side, creating deeply immutable instances or deep copies of objects that are in danger of being mugged by unscrupulous APIs.因此,这方面的最佳实践是调用方的防御性编程,创建深度不可变的实例或对象的深度副本,这些对象有被不道德的 API 窃取的危险。

I never use final in a parameter list, it just adds clutter like previous respondents have said.我从不在参数列表中使用 final,它只会像以前的受访者所说的那样增加混乱。 Also in Eclipse you can set parameter assignment to generate an error so using final in a parameter list seems pretty redundant to me.同样在 Eclipse 中,您可以设置参数分配以生成错误,因此在参数列表中使用 final 对我来说似乎是多余的。 Interestingly when I enabled the Eclipse setting for parameter assignment generating an error on it caught this code (this is just how I remember the flow, not the actual code. ) :-有趣的是,当我为参数分配启用 Eclipse 设置时,在它上面产生了一个错误,它捕获了这个代码(这就是我记住流程的方式,而不是实际的代码。):-

private String getString(String A, int i, String B, String C)
    if (i > 0)
        A += B;

    if (i > 100)
        A += C;

    return A;

Playing devil's advocate, what exactly is wrong with doing this?顶天立地,这样做到底有什么错?

One additional reason to add final to parameter declarations is that it helps to identify variables that need to be renamed as part of a "Extract Method" refactoring.将 final 添加到参数声明的另一个原因是它有助于识别需要作为“提取方法”重构的一部分重命名的变量。 I have found that adding final to each parameter prior to starting a large method refactoring quickly tells me if there are any issues I need to address before continuing.我发现在开始大型方法重构之前将 final 添加到每个参数可以快速告诉我在继续之前是否需要解决任何问题。

However, I generally remove them as superfluous at the end of the refactoring.但是,我通常在重构结束时将它们删除为多余的。

Follow up by Michel's post.跟进米歇尔的帖子。 I made myself another example to explain it.我给自己做了另一个例子来解释它。 I hope it could help.我希望它能有所帮助。

public static void main(String[] args){
    MyParam myParam = thisIsWhy(new MyObj());


public static MyParam thisIsWhy(final MyObj obj){
    MyParam myParam = new MyParam() {
        public void setArgNewName() {
            obj.name = "afterSet";

        public String showObjName(){
            return obj.name;

    return myParam;

public static class MyObj{
    String name = "beforeSet";
    public MyObj() {

public abstract static class MyParam{
    public abstract void setArgNewName();
    public abstract String showObjName();

From the code above, in the method thisIsWhy() , we actually didn't assign the [argument MyObj obj] to a real reference in MyParam.从上面的代码中,在thisIsWhy()方法中,我们实际上没有将[argument MyObj obj]分配给MyParam中的真实引用 In instead, we just use the [argument MyObj obj] in the method inside MyParam.相反,我们只是在MyParam中的方法中使用[argument MyObj obj]

But after we finish the method thisIsWhy() , should the argument(object) MyObj still exist?但是在我们完成thisIsWhy()方法之后argument(object) MyObj 是否还存在?

Seems like it should, because we can see in main we still call the method showObjName() and it needs to reach obj .似乎应该,因为我们可以在 main 中看到我们仍然调用方法showObjName()并且它需要到达obj MyParam will still use/reaches the method argument even the method already returned!即使方法已经返回,MyParam 仍将使用/到达方法参数!

How Java really achieve this is to generate a copy also is a hidden reference of the argument MyObj obj inside the MyParam object ( but it's not a formal field in MyParam so that we can't see it ) Java 真正实现这一点的方式是生成一个副本,也是MyParam 对象内部参数 MyObj obj的隐藏引用(但它不是 MyParam 中的正式字段,因此我们看不到它)

As we call "showObjName", it will use that reference to get the corresponding value.正如我们所说的“showObjName”,它将使用该引用来获取相应的值。

But if we didn't put the argument final, which leads a situation we can reassign a new memory(object) to the argument MyObj obj .但是如果我们没有把参数放在最后,这会导致我们可以将一个新的内存(对象)重新分配给参数 MyObj obj

Technically there's no clash at all!从技术上讲,根本没有冲突! If we are allowed to do that, below will be the situation:如果允许我们这样做,则情况如下:

  1. We now have a hidden [MyObj obj] point to a [Memory A in heap] now live in MyParam object.我们现在有一个隐藏的 [MyObj obj] 指向 [Memory A in heap] 现在位于 MyParam 对象中。
  2. We also have another [MyObj obj] which is the argument point to a [Memory B in heap] now live in thisIsWhy method.我们还有另一个 [MyObj obj],它是指向 [堆中的内存 B] 的参数,现在存在于 thisIsWhy 方法中。

No clash, but "CONFUSING!!"没有冲突,但“令人困惑!!” Because they are all using the same "reference name" which is "obj" .因为它们都使用相同的“引用名称”,即 "obj"

To avoid this, set it as "final" to avoid programmer do the "mistake-prone" code.为避免这种情况,请将其设置为“final”以避免程序员执行“容易出错”的代码。

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