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[英]App Keeps Respringing When Launched

For some reason, whenever I try to run any app created in Xcode (even brand new ones), something happened (?) and now Springboard takes up a ridiculous amount of CPU until it launches. 由于某种原因,每当我尝试运行用Xcode创建的任何应用程序(甚至是全新的应用程序)时,都发生了什么事(?),现在Springboard占用了大量的CPU,直到启动为止。 Once it's launched it's fine, but until then it will often respring if there's not enough memory. 一旦启动,就可以了,但是直到那时,如果没有足够的内存,它将经常重新生成。 It runs fine in the Sim, just not on the physical phone. 它可以在Sim中正常运行,只是不能在物理电话上运行。 No clue why. 不知道为什么。 I can provide logs or info, I'm just not sure what to put here; 我可以提供日志或信息,但是我不确定在这里放什么。 I've looked at most logs etc. 我看过大多数日志等。

Where do you want to run the app? 您想在哪里运行该应用程序? On a real device or in the Simulator? 在真实设备上还是在模拟器中? If you're using a real device, unplug it, open /Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and delete the folder with the iOS version of your device. 如果您使用的是真实设备,请拔出它,打开/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport并删除包含iOS版本的设备的文件夹。 After that, reconnect it. 之后,重新连接。 Does that help? 有帮助吗?

Also, please provide any logs you get and information about your system versions, devices and the Xcode version. 另外,请提供获得的所有日志以及有关系统版本,设备和Xcode版本的信息。

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