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[英]If I have an google experiment running against a page, can I effectively pause the experiment just by removing the chooseVariation call?

If I have an google experiment running against a page, can I effectively pause the experiment by removing the chooseVariation call, or will the subsequent call to ga('send', 'pageview') still register the visitor in a participant in the experiment? 如果我有一个针对页面运行的google实验,是否可以通过删除choiceVariation调用有效地暂停该实验,或者随后对ga('send','pageview')的调用是否仍将访问者注册为该实验的参与者?

The powers that be want to pause a checkout experiment for a weekend to try a weekend-only special offer, and I'm trying to find a way to accomplish this without flat-out destroying all tracking for the period 想要在周末暂停结帐实验以尝试仅周末特价商品的权力,我正在尝试找到一种方法来完成此任务,而不会破坏整个期间的所有跟踪

@DaImTo: I think this is programming related, since Google doesn't allow to pause an experiment over their web interface, but there is a 'hack' to achieve this: @DaImTo:我认为这与编程有关,因为Google不允许在其Web界面上暂停实验,但是要实现这一目标,存在一个“ hack”:

Removing only the cxApi.chooseVariation() call will not help with visitors that have been already exposed to the experiment. 仅删除cxApi.chooseVariation()调用对已经接触过该实验的访问者没有帮助。 Google Analytics Content Experiments are using the __utmx and __utmxx cookies to send experiment data along with your analytics tracking calls. Google Analytics(分析)内容实验使用__utmx__utmxx Cookie来发送实验数据以及您的分析跟踪调用。 Therefore you'll need to 因此,您需要

  1. remove cxApi.chooseVariation() to prevent the creation of new cookies 删除cxApi.chooseVariation()以防止创建新的cookie
  2. remove the experiment cookies to prevent tracking returning visitors 删除实验Cookie,以防止跟踪回访者

If you want to reenable tracking you will have to save the experiment cookies before removing them from the client-side and be able to associate them with a specific user (you might just rename the cookie). 如果您想重新启用跟踪功能,则必须先保存实验Cookie,然后再将其从客户端删除,然后才能将它们与特定用户相关联(您可能只是重命名了Cookie)。 Reapply the experiment cookies to continue experiment tracking. 重新应用实验Cookie,以继续进行实验跟踪。

But be aware, the experiment cookies are tracking all started experiments. 但是请注意,实验Cookie会跟踪所有已开始的实验。 So if you are running multiple experiments, and you want to pause only a subset, you'll need to rewrite the cookies (temporarily removing just the experiment's data to be paused from the cookie). 因此,如果您正在运行多个实验,并且只想暂停一个子集,则需要重写Cookie(暂时从Cookie中删除要暂停的实验数据)。

If you remove the experiment cookies permanently, returning users might see a different variation and/or be included/excluded in/from the experiment where before they've been not. 如果您永久删除实验Cookie,则回头用户可能会看到不同的变化,并且/或者被包括在实验中/从实验中排除。

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