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[英]how to get data from google spread sheet on python using link

I want to read data in google spreadsheet using python. 我想使用python读取Google电子表格中的数据。

I have a spreadsheet link. 我有一个电子表格链接。

I don't want to using oauth2client. 我不想使用oauth2client。 Because only read what I want to. 因为只读我想要的。 not write. 别写。

Is there a way I can do? 有办法吗?

  1. you can't do it without using oauth. 不使用oauth就无法做到。
  2. there's a good library called gspread - check it out. 有一个很好的库叫做gspread-签出来。
  3. Running oauth is as simple as the following code example (you should, first, create a google developer account and get your private key etc 运行oauth就像下面的代码示例一样简单(首先,您应该创建一个Google开发者帐户并获取您的私钥,等等)
  4. See the following code example (that uses gspread) 请参见以下代码示例(使用gspread)

from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials

def authenticate_and_get_spreadsheet():
    scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds']
    client_email = get_client_email() # something that looks like 962835581947-l1r8s2brhu5sjfljkg7ve54fcfxuio2b@developer.gserviceaccount.com
    private_key = get_private_key()
    credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(client_email, private_key, scope)
    gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
    return gc

def get_spreadsheet():
    gc = authenticate_and_get_spreadsheet()
    ss = gc.open_by_key('1FxDkjsdhffQOPC-f93Cccebkjasd5NMzl4AahDk')  # document key
    return ss # now you can read/write this spreadsheet

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