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软件包安装程序的 Java 程序

[英]Java program for package installer

May you please help in writing a java program which should accept an array of strings defining dependencies.能否请您帮忙编写一个 java 程序,该程序应该接受定义依赖项的字符串数组。 Each string contains the name of a package followed by a colon and space, then any dependencies required by that package.每个字符串包含一个包的名称,后跟一个冒号和空格,然后是该包所需的任何依赖项。 For simplicity we'll assume a package can have at most one dependency.为简单起见,我们假设一个包最多可以有一个依赖项。 The program should output a comma separated list of package names in the order of install, such that a package's dependency will always precede that package.程序应该按照安装的顺序输出一个逗号分隔的包名列表,这样一个包的依赖将总是在那个包之前。 The program should reject as invalid a dependency specification that contains cycles.程序应该拒绝包含循环的依赖项规范无效。

Example of valid input KittenService: Leetmeme: Cyberportal Cyberportal: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Leetmeme Ice:有效输入示例 KittenService: Leetmeme: Cyber​​portal Cyber​​portal: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Leetmeme Ice:

A valid output for the above would be:上述的有效输出是:

KittenService, Ice, Cyberportal, Leetmeme, CamelCaser, Fraudstream KittenService, Ice, Cyber​​portal, Leetmeme, CamelCaser, Fraudstream

Example of input that should be rejected (contains cycles) KittenService: Leetmeme: Cyberportal Cyberportal: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Ice: Leetmeme应该被拒绝的输入示例(包含循环) KittenService: Leetmeme: Cyber​​portal Cyber​​portal: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Ice: Leetmeme

First of all: SO is not a coding-service.首先:SO 不是编码服务。 Show us what you've got and where the problem lies and you'll get help with it.向我们展示您有什么以及问题出在哪里,您将获得帮助。 Now for the solution - I won't code anything and I hope noone else does.现在的解决方案 - 我不会编码任何东西,我希望没有其他人这样做。 Since the dependencies don't contain any cycles, the structure is a tree.由于依赖项不包含任何循环,因此结构是一棵树。 Just traverse the tree postorder and import each package in this order.只需遍历树后序并按此顺序导入每个包。

Get Package List from input String Array:从输入字符串数组中获取包列表:

public static List<String> getPackages(String[] intputStrings,
        String inputDelimiter, char wordEndChar, String rejectWord,
        String outputDelimiter) {

    List<String> al = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (String inputString : intputStrings) {

        if (!(inputString.indexOf(rejectWord) > 0)) {

            for (String string : inputString.split(inputDelimiter)) {
                int idx = string.indexOf(wordEndChar);
                if (idx > 1)
                    al.add(string.substring(0, idx));

    return al;

Invocation Part (Input and output) :调用部分(输入和输出):

public static void main(String[] args) {

String intputString[] = {
        "KittenService: Leetmeme: Cyberportal Cyberportal: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Ice: Leetmeme",
        "(contains cycles) KittenService: Leetmeme: Cyberportal Cyberportal: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Ice: Leetmeme",
        "One: Two: x Three: Ice CamelCaser: KittenService Fraudstream: Five: Leetmeme" };

List<String> s = getPackages(intputString, " ", ':', " cycles", ", ");

for (String string : s)
    System.out.print(string + " ,");        

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