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DocumentDB TransientFaultHandling最佳实践

[英]DocumentDB TransientFaultHandling Best Practice

I've been writing very verbose retry logic for throttled DocumentDB client calls. 我一直在为受限制的DocumentDB客户端调用编写非常详细的重试逻辑。

The example below is a common example of this with 10 retry attempts. 下面的示例是10次重试尝试的常见示例。

My question is two fold: Is this best practice, and is there a less verbose way to handle this? 我的问题有两个方面:这是最好的做法,是否有一种不那么冗长的方式来处理这个问题? I see that there is a Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.TransientFaultHandling nuget package that is supposed to achieve the same results with less code, but I cannot find any examples on StackOverflow or Google and there does not seem to be any clear documentation available from Microsoft. 我看到有一个Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client.TransientFaultHandling nuget包应该用更少的代码实现相同的结果,但我在StackOverflow或Google上找不到任何示例,似乎没有任何明确的文档可用来自微软。

int maxRetryAttempts = 10;

while (maxRetryAttempts > 0)
        // Attempt to call DocumentDB Method
        // ---[DocumentDB Method Here]---
    catch (DocumentClientException de)
        if (de.StatusCode.HasValue)
            var statusCode = (int)de.StatusCode;

            if (statusCode == 429 || statusCode == 503)
                //Sleep for retry amount

                //Decrement max retry attempts 

    catch (AggregateException ae)
        foreach (Exception ex in ae.InnerExceptions)
            if (ex is DocumentClientException)
                var documentClientException = ex as DocumentClientException;
                var statusCode = (int)documentClientException.StatusCode;
                if (statusCode == 429 || statusCode == 503)
                    //Sleep for retry amount

                    //Decrement max retry attempts 

if (maxRetryAttempts < 0)
    //Max retry attempts reached

You can find sample code using the TransientFaultHandling Nuget package in the Github repo for the DocumentDB Data Migration Tool: 您可以使用DocumentU数据迁移工具的Github存储库中的TransientFaultHandling Nuget包找到示例代码:

https://github.com/Azure/azure-documentdb-datamigrationtool/blob/master/DocumentDb/Microsoft.DataTransfer.DocumentDb.FunctionalTests/DocumentDbHelper.cs https://github.com/Azure/azure-documentdb-datamigrationtool/blob/master/DocumentDb/Microsoft.DataTransfer.DocumentDb.FunctionalTests/DocumentDbHelper.cs

Which looks something like this: 看起来像这样:

private static IReliableReadWriteDocumentClient CreateClient(IDocumentDbConnectionSettings connectionSettings)
    return new DocumentClient(new Uri(connectionSettings.AccountEndpoint), connectionSettings.AccountKey)
        .AsReliable(new FixedInterval(10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));

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