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c ++中的自制列表

[英]Self-made list in c++


class Link {
    string value;
    Link(const string& v, Link* p = 0, Link * s = 0):
        value(v), prev(p), succ(s) {}
    Link* insert(Link* n);              // insert n before this object
    Link* add(Link* n);                 // insert n after this object
    Link* erase();                      // remove this object from list
    Link* find(const string& s);        // find s in list
    Link* const find(const string& s) const;                       
    Link* advance(int n) ;                // get the nth successor 

    Link* next() const { return succ; }
    Link* previous() const { return prev; }

    Link* prev;
    Link* succ;

Can you tell me why we need two versions of find() 你能告诉我为什么我们需要两个版本的find()

Link* find(const string& s);        // find s in list
Link* const find(const string& s) const;    

in this self-made double-linked list and what should the main difference be between these two versions? 在这个自制的双链表中,这两个版本之间的主要区别是什么?

The reason you want a const and a non- const version of the same member function is so you can call them on a const and non- const object: 你想要const和非const版本的相同成员函数的原因是你可以在const和非const对象上调用它们:

Link link = ...;
link.find("hello"); // calls non-const find(), returns Link*

const Link clink = ...;
clink.find("goodbye"); // calls find() const

Although, your const version returns Link* const . 虽然,你的const版本返回Link* const That is a const pointer to Link . 这是一个指向Linkconst指针。 It would make more sense to return a const Link* , a pointer to const Link : 返回一个const Link* ,指向const Link的指针会更有意义:

Link* find(const std::string& );
const Link* find(const std::string& ) const;

In this way, your const Link could still find entries - just not modify them. 通过这种方式,您的const Link仍然可以找到条目 - 只是不修改它们。 That would maintain const -ness. 这将保持const It makes sense to be able to look for things in a const collection as long as you don't modify them. 只要不修改它们,就可以在const集合中查找内容。

From what I can tell from those two function declarations, you don't need both. 从我从这两个函数声明中可以看出,你不需要两者。 The const version of the function would actually cover all possible use cases even if the non- const version didn't exist. 即使非const版本不存在,函数的const版本实际上也会涵盖所有可能的用例。

In fact, the best declaration would probably be this: 事实上,最好的声明可能是这样的:

Link* find(const string& s) const;

The first const in this line: 这一行中的第一个const

Link* const find(const string& s) const;

just means that the returned pointer cannot be assigned to point so something else; 只是意味着返回的指针不能被指定为指向其他东西; however, since the returned pointer would be either used directly or instantly assigned to some variable, that first const is unnecessary. 但是,由于返回的指针可以直接使用,也可以立即分配给某个变量,因此第一个const是不必要的。

Perhaps what you're looking for is this setup: 也许你正在寻找的是这个设置:

Link* find(const string& s);
const Link* find(const string& s) const;

Putting const next to the base type (Link) instead of the asterisk (which means that it's a pointer), you are now providing a method that can either give a pointer to some Link that either does or doesn't allow you to modify that Link depending on whether the Link you're calling it on is const or not. const放在基本类型(链接)而不是星号(这意味着它是指针)旁边,您现在提供的方法可以指向某个链接,该链接可以或不允许您修改链接取决于您调用它的链接是否为const

Can you tell me why we need two versions of find() 你能告诉我为什么我们需要两个版本的find()

Yes. 是。 Consider this code: 考虑以下代码:

const Link x{ "x" };
auto y = x.find("x");
// y will be a Link * const, meaning you cannot change the pointer 
// address (not interesting) but you can change the object at that address.

versus: 与:

Link x{ "x" };
auto y = x.find("x");
// y will be a Link *, meaning you can change both the pointer address
// contained in y (not interesting) and the object at that address

The const version can be called on const instances (and const references and pointers to const instances). 可以在const实例(以及const引用和指向const实例的指针)上调用const版本。 The non-const version will only be callable on non-const instances. 非const版本只能在非const实例上调用。

Either way, the signature of the const version is incorrect: you should return a pointer to a const value, not a const pointer to a non-const value. 无论哪种方式,const版本的签名都是错误的:你应该返回一个指向const值的指针,而不是一个指向非const值的const指针。

That is, the function should be: 也就是说,功能应该是:

Link const * const find(const string& s) const;   
//   ^^^^^   ^^^^^

or 要么

Link const * find(const string& s) const;   
//   ^^^^^   

but not: 但不是:

Link * const find(const string& s) const;   
//     ^^^^^

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