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Flash CS3是否导出SVG?

[英]Does Flash CS3 export SVG's?

The only reason I use flash is for vector editing. 我使用Flash的唯一原因是矢量编辑。 I do not like what Adobe has done to the drawing tools in CC. 我不喜欢Adobe对CC中的绘图工具所做的事情。 No longer can I drag shapes and the anchor point be on the outside automatically. 我不再可以拖动形状,并且锚点自动位于外部。 Also it always makes shape objects, I prefer just the shapes. 而且它总是制作形状对象,我更喜欢形状。 I also need to export to SVG (which is fine in CC). 我还需要导出到SVG(在CC中很好)。 I need to revert to an old version of flash, but before I buy one off Amazon, I need to know for sure that I can export to SVG from Flash. 我需要恢复到旧版本的Flash,但是在我从Amazon购买一个版本之前,我需要确定要从Flash导出到SVG。 Which is the earliest version of Flash that will export to SVG? 哪个最早的Flash版本可以导出到SVG?

I haven't used the Flash editor in a long time and can't remember. 我已经很长时间没有使用Flash编辑器了,不记得了。 You may have better luck asking on superuser or on the GraphicDesign stackexchange 您可能会更好地向超级用户或GraphicDesign stackexchange询问

Since this is a programming oriented site, here's a code solution: Would using the as3swf library to extract shapes as SVG from an exported swf file (even early versions) 由于这是一个面向编程的网站,所以这里是一个代码解决方案:将使用as3swf库从导出的swf文件(甚至早期版本)中提取形状作为SVG

You can find a very basic as3swf based svg exporter I wrote about 4 years ago here . 你可以找到一个很基本的基于as3swf SVG出口我大约4年前写在这里

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