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已安装Google Cloud SDK但无法访问gcloud

[英]Installed Google Cloud SDK but can't access gcloud

I am trying to install the Google Cloud SDK on OSX and do this node.js tutorial ( https://cloud.google.com/nodejs/getting-started/hello-world ) and keep running into a problem where the gcloud is not found. 我正在尝试在OSX上安装Google Cloud SDK并执行此node.js教程( https://cloud.google.com/nodejs/getting-started/hello-world )并继续gcloud不存在的问题找到。 It might be just be something simple about setting in or where I'm in saving the file. 设置或我保存文件的位置可能只是简单的事情。

I've read a ton of other posts here but haven't been able to solve this problem. 我在这里读了很多其他的帖子但是还没能解决这个问题。 Here are all the steps/issues: 以下是所有步骤/问题:

I already created a project in the dev console. 我已经在开发控制台中创建了一个项目。

Install the cloud sdk 安装云sdk

MacBook-Pro-2:~ nico$ curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash

Then go through the process 然后完成整个过程

Directory to extract under (this will create a directory google-cloud-sdk) (/Users/nico):

Do you want to help improve the Google Cloud SDK (Y/n)?  y

Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable bash completion? (Y/n)? y

Enter path to an rc file to update, or leave blank to use [/Users/nico/.bash_profile]:

Then I tried to authenticate: 然后我试着验证:

MacBook-Pro-2:~ nico$ gcloud auth login
-bash: gcloud: command not found

Then I went into a cloud sdk bin directory 然后我进入了一个云sdk bin目录

MacBook-Pro-2:~ nico$ cd google-cloud-sdk/bin
MacBook-Pro-2:bin nico$ ./gcloud auth login

Authentication was successful 身份验证成功

 MacBook-Pro-2:bin nico$ ./gcloud config set project helloworld-project

Setting the project was successful 设置项目成功

MacBook-Pro-2:bin nico$ ./gcloud components update app

ERROR: (gcloud.components.update) Your current working directory is inside the Cloud SDK install root: /Users/nico/google-cloud-sdk.  
In order to perform this update, run the command from outside of this directory.

So then I move out of that directory 然后我离开那个目录

 MacBook-Pro-2:test_project nico$ gcloud components update app
-bash: gcloud: command not found

And now it's not working, do I have to set gcloud somewhere so it can be access globally? 现在它不起作用,我是否必须在某处设置gcloud以便可以全局访问? How can I update it and access the gcloud command line tool? 如何更新它并访问gcloud命令行工具?

Looking at the output of the install tool: 查看安装工具的输出:

Enter path to an rc file to update, or leave blank to use [/Users/nico/.bash_profile]:

... it appears that the install tool updated "/Users/nico/.bash_profile" whereas Mac OS X relies on "/Users/nico/.profile" for the configuration. ...似乎安装工具更新了“/Users/nico/.bash_profile”,而Mac OS X依赖于“/Users/nico/.profile”进行配置。 Copy the changes to "/Users/nico/.bash_profile" over to "/Users/nico/.profile" and then close and restart the Terminal for the changes to take effect. 将更改复制到“/Users/nico/.bash_profile”到“/Users/nico/.profile”,然后关闭并重新启动终端以使更改生效。

In the new shell, you can see if "gcloud" is defined using the command: 在新shell中,您可以看到是否使用以下命令定义了“gcloud”:

 which gcloud

It should output: 它应该输出:


If that doesn't work, then I'd recommend just updating your PATH manually. 如果这不起作用,那么我建议您手动更新PATH。 To do that, edit ~/.profile: 为此,编辑〜/ .profile:

 nano ~/.profile

And then add the following line at the very end: 然后在最后添加以下行:

 export PATH="$HOME/google-cloud-sdk/bin:$PATH"

And restart your shell. 然后重启你的shell。 Note that if you are using a shell other than the builtin Terminal, you may need to edit a different file (such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile for a custom BASH installation, and various other "rc" files for altnerative shells such as ZSH, CSH, etc.) to update your PATH variable. 请注意,如果您使用的是内置终端以外的shell,则可能需要编辑其他文件(例如〜/ .bashrc或〜/ .bash_profile用于自定义BASH安装,以及各种其他“rc”文件用于替代shell如ZSH,CSH等)更新你的PATH变量。

If this is still not working, I'd suggest debugging by typing: 如果这仍然无法正常工作,我建议您输入以下命令进行调试:

echo "$PATH"

... so that you can at least see what the current path is set to. ...这样你至少可以看到当前路径的设置。

I had modified my 我修改了我的

vi ~/.bash_profile

and added one line to the end of it 并在其末尾添加了一行

source ~/.bashrc

Then you can log out & logged in again or run: 然后您可以注销并重新登录或运行:

source ~/.bash_profile

After you have added the line. 添加完行后。

OS: Linux vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 3.13.0-116-generic #163-Ubuntu 操作系统:Linux vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 3.13.0-116-generic#163-Ubuntu

Or Simply Run: 或者简单地运行:

echo "source ~/.bashrc" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
which gcloud

Showed me 给我看了

/home/myusername/google/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud /家庭/名为myUsername /谷歌/谷歌云SDK /斌/ gcloud

In my ~/.bash_profile menu I had an error, at the top I had this line: 在我的〜/ .bash_profile菜单中我出错了,在顶部我有这一行:

if which rbenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(rbenv init -)"; fi source /Users/nico/.bash_profile

Which was throwing an error and messed with gcloud , the weird thing is that other command line variables worked fine with that error. 这是抛出错误并与gcloud ,奇怪的是其他命令行变量与该错误一起工作正常。

Once I removed that line gcloud worked fine. 一旦我删除该行, gcloud工作正常。

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