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将Rcpp NumericVector随机分为2

[英]Randomly divide Rcpp NumericVector into 2

I am trying to divide a vector into 2 smaller vectors of equal size. 我正在尝试将一个向量分成相等大小的2个较小的向量。 Normally in R this would be done using 通常在R中,这可以使用

indices = sample(1:length(x), length(x)/2)
a = x[indices]
b = x[-indices]

In Rcpp I can replicate the sample function from RcppArmadillo. 在Rcpp中,我可以从RcppArmadillo复制示例函数。 However, it seems that subsetting in Rcpp does not handle things like x[-indices] . 但是,似乎Rcpp中的子集无法处理x[-indices]类的东西。

You could shuffle all indices with RcppArmadillo::sample and then extract the first half to one vector and the second half to the other vector: 您可以使用RcppArmadillo::sample洗牌所有索引,然后将前半部分提取到一个向量中,然后将下半部分提取到另一个向量中:

// file.cpp
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]

#include <RcppArmadilloExtensions/sample.h>

using namespace Rcpp ;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
List fxn(NumericVector x) {
  const int n = x.size();
  const int n2 = x.size()/2;

  // Randomly order indices
  NumericVector v(n);
  std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
  NumericVector indices = RcppArmadillo::sample(v, v.size(), false);

  // Split up vectors
  NumericVector a(n2);
  NumericVector b(n - n2);
  for (int i=0; i < n2; ++i) a[i] = x[indices[i]];
  for (int i=n2; i < n; ++i) b[i-n2] = x[indices[i]];

  // Return as a list
  List ret;
  ret["a"] = a;
  ret["b"] = b;
  return ret;

This returns your split up list: 这将返回您的拆分列表:

# $a
# [1] 12 10 20 18 19
# $b
# [1] 11 16 13 14 15 17

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