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仅从Xcode 6将单个开发人员帐户导出到.developerprofile

[英]Export only a single developer account to a .developerprofile from Xcode 6

I've got multiple team accounts in my Xcode on account of some bespoke work. 由于一些定制的工作,我的Xcode中有多个团队帐户。 As part of this, I've routinely got to give access to the customer's account to them and the Xcode 6 feature to completely bundle up all required certificates, provisioning profiles and private keys all together in a .developerprofile file is quick and effective. 作为其中的一部分,我通常会向他们提供访问客户帐户的权限,并且Xcode 6功能可以在.developerprofile文件中将所有必需的证书,配置文件和私钥完全捆绑在一起,既快速又有效。

My problem is that I can't figure out how to export only a single account's developerprofile. 我的问题是我无法弄清楚如何只导出一个帐户的developerprofile。 Not matter what I do all developer accounts are exported. 无论我做什么, 所有开发者帐户都会被导出。 I currently use the following workaround process, where I: 我目前使用以下解决方法过程,其中我:

  1. Export all accounts to a "full" profile. 将所有帐户导出为“完整”个人资料。
  2. Delete all accounts except the one that I actually want to export. 删除除我实际要导出的帐户以外的所有帐户。
  3. Export the target account to a separate accountname.developerprofile and send it off to the recipient. 将目标帐户导出到单独的accountname.developerprofile并将其发送给收件人。
  4. Delete the remaining account and import the earlier "full" profile back and I'm back to where I started. 删除剩余的帐户并导回先前的“完整”个人资料,然后我回到我开始的地方。

Apple has finally made an export process that works well, and I can't believe how they did not anticipate the need to export only a single account. Apple终于做出了一个运作良好的出口流程,我无法相信他们没有预料到只需要出口一个帐户。 Is there no way (not even command line) to do this? 有没有办法(甚至不是命令行)这样做?

There's no way to do it as a singe .developerprofile. 作为一个单独的.developerprofile没有办法做到这一点。 If you want a single file approach, you're process is probably the best way to do it. 如果你想要一个单一的文件方法,你的过程可能是最好的方法。

However, all a developerprofile is is a combination of a key, certificate, and provisioning profile (or profiles). 但是,所有developerprofile都是密钥,证书和配置文件(或配置文件)的组合。 If you want to set up a developer for each company, you could export the private key (that was used to create the certificate) from Keychain Access into a .p12 file. 如果要为每个公司设置开发人员,可以将Keychain Access中的私钥(用于创建证书)导出为.p12文件。 Then you could export the developer and/or distribution certificate from Keychain Access as well into a .cer file. 然后,您可以将开发人员和/或分发证书从Keychain Access导出到.cer文件中。 Finally, you would also download any .mobileprovision files that the developer would need to the app in question. 最后,您还可以下载开发人员需要的任何.mobileprovision文件到相关应用程序。

Zip up those 3 files and you basically have a homemade .developerprofile. 压缩这3个文件,你基本上有一个自制的.developerprofile。 The key will need to be password protected, but so did the .developer profile, so it really isn't that much more inconvenient. 密钥需要受密码保护,但.developer配置文件也是如此,所以它真的不那么麻烦了。 And it will save you from having to jump through hoops every time you need to provide the company their own files. 每当您需要为公司提供自己的文件时,它将使您免于跳过篮球。 I would recommend any company you work with should be generating their own private key, but I guess most companies that hire out their app development don't have resources that would know to do that. 我建议你合作的任何公司应该生成他们自己的私钥,但我想大多数雇用他们的应用程序开发的公司都没有可以做到这一点的资源。

Also, if you wanted to script the exporting from keychain access, I'm sure you could. 此外,如果您想从密钥链访问脚本导出,我相信您可以。 Here's a good starting point: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2551691?tstart=0 这是一个很好的起点: https//discussions.apple.com/thread/2551691?tstart = 0

Good luck. 祝好运。

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