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WP8.1 Click事件为ListView ItemTemplate中的子元素忽略了ClickClick事件

[英]WP8.1 Click event for child element in ListView ItemTemplate while ignoring ItemClick event

I have a ListView with a DataTemplate. 我有一个带有DataTemplate的ListView Inside the DataTemplate I have a clickable image 在DataTemplate内部,我有一个可点击的图像

 <Image x:Name="likeImg" Tapped="likeButtonPressed" Margin="2" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Height="20"  Source="{Binding likedImage}"  Visibility="{Binding userID, Converter={StaticResource ResourceKey=HideForMyUser}}"/>

This event fires perfectly when clicked. 单击该事件会完美触发。

I added an ItemClick event handler to the ListView (and IsItemClickEnabled true of course) so that when an item is clicked, I want to navigate to a new page EXCEPT when the likeImg is clicked. 我在ListView添加了一个ItemClick事件处理程序(当然,还为IsItemClickEnabled true),以便单击某项时, likeImg单击likeImg ,我还想导航到新页面。 When I click the likeImg both events fire. 当我单击likeImg两个事件都会触发。 Is there any way to ignore the ItemClick event when the image is tapped? 点击图像时,有什么方法可以忽略ItemClick事件吗?

Disable the SelectionMode and IsItemClickEnabled of ListView and your child control (Image in your case) event should fire. 禁用ListView的SelectionModeIsItemClickEnabled ,然后应触发子控件(在您的情况下为Image)事件。

Below are the ListView Properties you should set. 下面是您应该设置的ListView属性。



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