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使用 SAP 和混合连接器 1 分钟后 Azure 逻辑应用超时

[英]Azure Logic App timeout after 1 minute with SAP and Hybrid Connector

Currently I am trying to connect a Azure Logic App to our OnPrem-SAP System so we can call RFC within Azure.目前我正在尝试将 Azure 逻辑应用程序连接到我们的 OnPrem-SAP 系统,以便我们可以在 Azure 中调用 RFC。

Therefore I created an Azure SAP Connector and opened the required Firewall Ports (which was tricky enough but the connection Azure <--> OnPrem-SAP is working now).因此,我创建了一个 Azure SAP 连接器并打开了所需的防火墙端口(这很棘手,但 Azure <--> OnPrem-SAP 连接现在正在工作)。 Also our Azure SAP Connector is already able to call an RFC located in our OnPrem-SAP System (SAP Log-Entry available).此外,我们的 Azure SAP 连接器已经能够调用位于我们 OnPrem-SAP 系统中的 RFC(可用 SAP 日志条目)。

But : the SAP Connector never gets any response from the Hybrid Connection as the Logic App always returns a Timeout after 1 Minute:但是:SAP 连接器永远不会从混合连接获得任何响应,因为逻辑应用程序总是在 1 分钟后返回超时:


The LogicApp only contains the SAP Connector which calls a long-running RFC and is started manually. LogicApp 仅包含调用长时间运行的 RFC 并手动启动的 SAP 连接器。

Within the SAP-Log we can find the following message: "Connection reset by peer."在 SAP-Log 中,我们可以找到以下消息:“Connection reset by peer”。

Now my actual question: Is there any possibility to increase the timeout value within azure?现在我的实际问题是:是否有可能在 azure 中增加超时值? Or do I need to tune our SAP RFC to run within 1 minute as this is the fixed max-timeout-value by Azure?或者我是否需要调整我们的 SAP RFC 以在 1 分钟内运行,因为这是 Azure 固定的最大超时值?

Thanks in advance for any advise!提前感谢您的任何建议!

As we found out those 60 seconds were kind of hardcoded within the SAP Connector from Microsoft we decided to change our RFC to accept an additional paramaters.当我们发现这 60 秒是在 Microsoft 的 SAP 连接器中进行硬编码时,我们决定更改我们的 RFC 以接受额外的参数。 Instead of "give me all Data" we split that opertion into: "Give me all Data from department A" and subsequent "Give me all Data from department B" .我们不是"give me all Data"而是将该操作拆分为: "Give me all Data from department A"和随后的"Give me all Data from department B"

As this change helped us to create RFC-Calls which do not run longer than 40 seconds we do not face this timeout-issue anymore.由于此更改帮助我们创建了运行时间不超过 40 秒的 RFC 调用,因此我们不再面临此超时问题。 Everything is now working as expected.现在一切都按预期工作。

Maybe it would be a good idea to document this 60-seconds-issue somewhere.也许在某处记录这个 60 秒的问题是个好主意。 Or even better: maybe one day you can adjust this setting as an additional parameter within the LogicApp.甚至更好:也许有一天您可以将此设置作为 LogicApp 中的附加参数进行调整。

Are you using the SAP Connector from Microsoft, which you can install from the Azure Marketplace gallery?您是否在使用 Microsoft 的 SAP 连接器(可以从 Azure 市场库中安装)? Our, are you writing your own?我们的,你是自己写的吗? [Because it is not clear to me when you said you are creating one] [因为我不清楚你说你正在创造一个]

Currently, we don't provide the timeout as something that an end user will come and tweak.目前,我们不提供超时作为最终用户会来调整的东西。 There is a proper async pattern that logic app and the API apps (connectors) should follow for long running operation.对于长时间运行的操作,逻辑应用程序和 API 应用程序(连接器)应遵循适当的异步模式。

The SAP Connector, in this case, expected the RFC call to come back in a reasonable time.在这种情况下,SAP 连接器期望 RFC 调用在合理的时间内返回。 Which is not the case here and hence the timeout.这不是这里的情况,因此超时。 To be honest, we expected all RFC calls to complete well within a minute.老实说,我们希望所有 RFC 调用都能在一分钟内完成。 So, how long does your RFC call take?那么,您的 RFC 调用需要多长时间? It would be good to know this, because there are timeouts everywhere, and there are many moving parts in a hybrid scenario (logic app, API app, SB relays, on premise agent, sap connector, etc).知道这一点会很好,因为到处都有超时,并且混合场景中有许多活动部件(逻辑应用程序、API 应用程序、SB 中继、内部代理、sap 连接器等)。

Thanks Sameer谢谢萨米尔

In my part, I observed that the 60sec limit is imposed on all of the API App that is used in Logic App.就我而言,我观察到 60 秒限制适用于逻辑应用程序中使用的所有 API 应用程序。 I have been experiencing this with my API App, once it reaches over 60sec the timeout will occur.我的 API 应用程序遇到过这种情况,一旦超过 60 秒,就会发生超时。 You can find the same issue with suggested work-around in this link API App times out after 1 minute in Logic Apps您可以在此链接中找到与建议的解决方法相同的问题逻辑应用程序中的 API 应用程序超时 1 分钟后

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