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Python Pandas突出显示Dataframe中的行

[英]Python Pandas highlight row in Dataframe

I have a mysql query which returns a results table. 我有一个mysql查询,它返回一个结果表。 Such as the below: 如下:


What I'm trying to achieve is to highlight the whole row when the last column's value is 'MM'. 我想要实现的是在最后一列的值为“MM”时突出显示整行。

I've used in the past a small snippet of JS code which would only work for individual cells, not the whole row. 我过去曾使用过一小段JS代码,它只适用于单个单元格,而不适用于整行。

My code is as such: 我的代码是这样的:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay
import sys
import mysql.connector
import time
import datetime
from datetime import date,timedelta
import os

## testing dates
currentdate = pd.datetime.today()
today = currentdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
yesterday = currentdate - BDay(1)
yest = yesterday.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
#print today
#print yest

## where to dump the file
develop_path = "/var/www/html/exDiv/"
report_file = "exDivReport." + today + ".html"

## function to get data and print out
def get_data_from_hk():
    cnx = mysql.connector.connect(

    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    query = ("SELECT c.description, c.feedcode, date(exdividenddate), dividend, (case when c.metadata like '%3=MM%' then 'MM' when c.metadata is NULL then 'NM' when c.metadata not like '%3=MM%' then 'NM' else c.metadata end) as metadata FROM dividends d join contracts c using(contracttag) where d.kind=0 and d.exdividenddate=getNextTradingDate(1, curdate());")

    print dbdata_hk
    return dbdata_hk

def generate_report():
    report_colnames = ['description', 'feedcode', 'date(exdividenddate)', 'dividend', 'metadata'] 

    dbdata_list_hk = get_data_from_hk()
    df = pd.DataFrame(dbdata_list_hk, columns=report_colnames)

    ##test: if the last column contains 'MM' then highlight table row
    ##highlight = lambda x:  '<span class="market_make">{:,.0f}</span>'.format(x) if x = 'MM' else '{:,.0f}'.format(x)

    with open(os.path.join(develop_path,report_file), 'w') as f:
        f.write("<b>Stocks with ex-dividend on next trading day<b/><br/><br/>")
            ##the whole row needs to be highlighted
            ##formatters={('description', 'metadata'): highlight}, 

    return df

## colouring js
style_text = '''
.market_make {
    background-color: #FBB117;
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('market_make');

for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
    elements[i].parentElement.setAttribute("bgcolor", "#FBB117");

# run the report
print d

The html that pandas creates is partly this: pandas创建的html部分是这样的:

<b>Stocks with ex-dividend on next trading day<b/><br/><br/><table border="1" class="dataframe">
    <tr style="text-align: right;">
      <td>HHI Div</td>
      <td>null Combo + Stock - Legs</td>

Is there a more efficient way apart from JS to do this? 除了JS之外,还有更有效的方法吗?

Can I combine it with some CSS maybe? 我可以将它与一些CSS结合使用吗?

Any ideas please? 有什么想法吗?

This can be done with pd.DataFrame.style.apply and a custom style function! 这可以使用pd.DataFrame.style.apply和自定义样式函数完成!

For example, to highlight the 'MM' rows yellow: 例如,要突出显示'MM'行黄色:

def custom_style(row):

    color = 'white'
    if row.values[-1] == 'MM':
        color = 'yellow'

    return ['background-color: %s' % color]*len(row.values)

df.style.apply(custom_style, axis=1)

I found a related question in the Google group of PyData. 我在谷歌 PyData 小组中发现了一个相关问题。

most of what you suggest is certainly possible and comes down to a well designed style class IMO 你建议的大多数肯定是可能的,并归结为精心设计的风格类IMO

eg 例如

df.to_html(...., style = Style('color' : { 'blue' : df>0))

You would probably have to change the selection rules to something like df['metadata'] == 'MM' . 您可能必须将选择规则更改为df['metadata'] == 'MM'


color = (df.meta == 'MM').map({True: 'background-color: yellow', False: ''}) df.style.apply(lambda s: color)

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