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如何在angularjs中使用$ resource消耗Spring Restful Web服务

[英]how to consume spring restful web service using $resource in angularjs

I am developing a spring restful application with angularjs. 我正在用angularjs开发一个Spring Restful应用程序。 In Spring i am using maven and Hibernate. 在春季,我正在使用Maven和Hibernate。

I have returned json object using spring rest but i dont know how to use this object in my angular controller using $resource 我已经使用spring rest返回了json对象,但是我不知道如何使用$ resource在我的角度控制器中使用这个对象

Here is my spring rest controller 这是我的弹簧托控制器

@RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody
List<Employee> getEmployee() {
List<Employee> employeeList = null;
    try {
employeeList = dataServices.getEntityList();

    } catch (Exception e) {

    return employeeList;

Here is my jsp 这是我的jsp


<!-- First name from json object -->


<!-- Last name from json object -->

So please help me with angularjs controller code 所以请帮助我使用angularjs控制器代码

My application name is: SpringRestCrud1 我的应用程序名称是:SpringRestCrud1

My path which is used to return the json object is: http://localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud1/employee/list 我用来返回json对象的路径是: http:// localhost:8080 / SpringRestCrud1 / employee / list

And my result is: [{"id":3,"firstName":"Hoston","lastName":"lindey","email":"hl@gmail.com","phone":"90908989899"}] 我的结果是:[{“ id”:3,“ firstName”:“ Hoston”,“ lastName”:“ lindey”,“ email”:“ hl@gmail.com”,“ phone”:“ 90908989899”}]

ngResource is very simple to use. ngResource使用起来非常简单。 How I typically use it is I first create a factory that is used to map to the CRUD endpoint: 我通常如何使用它,首先创建一个工厂用于映射到CRUD端点:

  .factory('Employee', function ($resource) {
    return $resource('http://localhost:8080/SpringRestCrud1/employee/list', {}, {
      'query': {
        method: 'GET',
        params: { action: 'read', format: '.json' } , isArray : false

From there you can set up a controller to access the list: 在这里,您可以设置控制器来访问列表:

  .controller('EmployeeCtrl', function ($scope, Employee) {

    // Promise chain to resolve employee
    Employee.query(function (data) {
      $scope.employees = data;


And a view to show the employee list: 并显示员工列表的视图:

    <div ng-repeat="employee in employees track by $index">
        <!-- First name from json object -->
        <p>{{ employee.firstName }}</p>

        <!-- Last name from json object -->
        <p>{{ employee.lastName }}</p>

I would suggest though that you redesign your endpoints to be more RESTful if you are going to use ngResource. 但我建议您如果要使用ngResource,则将端点重新设计为更加RESTful。 Here's a good guide for that. 这是一个很好的指南。

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