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[英]Can I customise a Fixture in an XUnit constructor for use with Theory and AutoData?

Here is what I am trying to do: 这是我正在尝试做的事情:

public class MyTests
    private IFixture _fixture;

    public MyTests()
        _fixture = new Fixture();
        _fixture.Customize<Thing>(x => x.With(y => y.UserId, 1));

    [Theory, AutoData]
    public void GetThingsByUserId_ShouldReturnThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things)

I would expect the IEnumerable<Thing> things parameter passed into the test to each have a UserId of 1 but this is not what happens. 我希望传递给测试的IEnumerable<Thing> things参数具有一个UserId为1,但这不会发生。

How can I make this so? 我该怎么做呢?

You can do that by creating a custom AutoData attribute derived-type: 您可以通过创建自定义的AutoData属性派生类型来做到这一点:

internal class MyAutoDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
    internal MyAutoDataAttribute()
        : base(
            new Fixture().Customize(
                new CompositeCustomization(
                    new MyCustomization())))

    private class MyCustomization : ICustomization
        public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
            fixture.Customize<Thing>(x => x.With(y => y.UserId, 1));

You may also add other Customizations. 您也可以添加其他自定义项。 Just keep in mind that the order matters . 请记住, 顺序很重要

Then, change the test method to use MyAutoData attribute instead, as shown below: 然后,将测试方法改为使用MyAutoData属性,如下所示:

public class MyTests
    [Theory, MyAutoData]
    public void GetThingsByUserId_ShouldReturnThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things)

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