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[英]Installing Allegrograph on ubuntu

I'm trying to install Allegrograph on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS using the below instructions from here 我正在尝试从此处使用以下说明在Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS上安装Allegrograph

However, I'm having problems. 但是,我遇到了问题。 I have created the directory /home/me/Allegrograph_4.14.1 and have myself as the owner. 我创建了目录/home/me/Allegrograph_4.14.1并以我自己作为所有者。 I then submit: 然后,我提交:

agraph-4.14.1/install-agraph`  /home/me/Allegrograph_4.14.1

However, I just get an error saying that install-agraph does not exist (I'm away from my computer to quote the exact returned error unfortunately but hope this is enough information). 但是,我只是收到一条错误消息,指出install-agraph不存在(不幸的是,我不在电脑上引用确切的返回错误,但希望这是足够的信息)。

I assume Allegrograph can be installed alongside mysql? 我认为Allegrograph可以与mysql一起安装吗?

Make sure you are calling "agraph-4.14.1/install-agraph" from the correct directory. 确保从正确的目录中调用“ agraph-4.14.1 / install-agraph”。 That would be the only reason I could think of why it can't find install-agraph. 那就是我能想到为什么找不到install-agraph的唯一原因。 Additionally, you don't need to create the directory first. 此外,您无需首先创建目录。 Just pass the script a usable path. 只需为脚本传递一个可用的路径即可。

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