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[英]Subscript out of range VBA error when setting an array equal to a range

Currently, I have a range of strings that I would like to be able to enter into an array. 目前,我想输入一个范围很广的字符串。 However, I'm not sure that it's working and every time I try to do anything with the array, I get a subscript out of range error. 但是,我不确定它是否有效,并且每次尝试对数组执行任何操作时,都会收到下标超出范围的错误。 I tried just doing a Debug.Print to see if values are going into the array or not but that resulted in the same error. 我尝试仅执行Debug.Print来查看值是否进入数组,但这导致了相同的错误。 Here's what I have so far.. 这是我到目前为止所拥有的。

UsedRow = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3).UsedRange.Rows.Count
Dim ProjectCounter As Long
Dim ArrRange As Range

'This determines the number of entries in the array (I know this part works)
i = UsedRow
ProjectCounter = 0
Do While Cells(i, 1).FormulaR1C1 <> vbNullString
    ProjectCounter = ProjectCounter + 1
    i = i - 1

'Array should have dimensions that match the number of projects
Dim ProjectArray() As Variant
ReDim ProjectArray(ProjectCounter - 1)

'Set range for array to cover
Set ArrRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(3).Range("A" & UsedRow - ProjectCounter & ":A" & UsedRow)

'Populate array with projects
ProjectArray = ArrRange

For i = LBound(ProjectArray) To UBound(ProjectArray)
Debug.Print ProjectArray(i)

Is this the right way to set up an array? 这是建立阵列的正确方法吗? And if not, what am I doing incorrectly? 如果没有,我在做什么错? Thanks. 谢谢。

I have long considered the way 1-dimensional ranges are copied as 2-dimensional arrays to be one of the most annoying things about VBA. 长期以来,我一直认为将一维范围复制为二维数组的方式是有关VBA的最烦人的事情之一。 One way to fix the resulting subscript out of range error is to, rather then remembering to include a pointless subscript, first fix the array itself so that if the array is conceptually 1-dimensional then your code can treat it as such. 修复结果下标超出范围错误的一种方法是,而不是记住包括一个无意义的下标,首先修复数组本身,这样,如果数组在概念上是一维的,则您的代码可以将其视为此类。 The following sub modifies the sort of array that you get when you assign a range of values to a variant. 以下子项修改了在为变量分配值范围时获得的数组类型。 It takes no action if it is genuinely 2 dimensional: 如果它是真正的二维,则不执行任何操作:

Sub FixArray(valArray As Variant) 'As Variant
'This sub takes a pseudo 2-dimenional 1-based variant array
'And makes it 1-dimensional

    Dim fixedArray As Variant
    Dim columnVector As Boolean
    Dim i As Long, m As Long, n As Long
    On Error GoTo err_handler

    m = UBound(valArray, 1)
    n = UBound(valArray, 2) 'will throw an error if already 1-dimensional
    If m > 1 And n > 1 Then Exit Sub 'can't be fixed without losing data
    If m > 1 Then
        columnVector = True
        columnVector = False
        m = n
    End If
    ReDim fixedArray(1 To m)
    For i = 1 To m
        If columnVector Then
            fixedArray(i) = valArray(i, 1)
            fixedArray(i) = valArray(1, i)
        End If
    Next i
    valArray = fixedArray
    'no action - nothing to fix
End Sub

A test sub (run in debug mode with the locals window open and see how v changes from 2 dimensional to 1 dimensional): 一个测试子(在调试模式下运行,打开“本地”窗口,并查看v如何从2维变为1维):

Sub test()
    Dim v As Variant
    v = Range("A1:A3").Value
    FixArray v
    Debug.Print "here" 'convenient breakpoint
End Sub

You can read an array into a preset range without redim. 您可以将数组读取到预设范围内,而无需重新调整。 Declare the variant without the parentheses. 声明不带括号的变量。

Dim ProjectArray as Variant
ProjectArray = ArrRange

You get the error because your array has 2 dimensions. 因为数组有2个维,所以会出现错误。 You need to 你需要

for I = 1 to ubound(ProjectArray)
   debug.print ProjectArray(I,1)
next I

And LBound will always be 1 when you do it this way. 这样,LBound将始终为1。

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