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mongodb c#选择特定字段

[英]mongodb c# select specific field

Need some help creating a generic method for selecting fields by their name. 需要一些帮助,以创建一种通用方法来按其名称选择字段。

something like this: 像这样的东西:

T GetDocField<T>(string doc_Id, string fieldName)

The best I got is using projection which gives me the doc with only the wanted field seted: 我得到的最好的结果是使用投影 ,该投影只给我设置了所需字段的文档:

 public T GetDocField<T>(string Doc_Id, string fieldName)
    var value = DocCollection.Find(d => d.Id == Doc_Id)
               .Include(new StringFieldDefinition<Doc>

note: I'm using the new c# driver (2.0) 注意:我正在使用新的c#驱动程序(2.0)

Thanks!! 谢谢!!

You can do next: 您可以下一步:

public async Task<TValue> GetFieldValue<TEntity, TValue>(string id, Expression<Func<TEntity, TValue>> fieldExpression) where TEntity : IEntity
    var propertyValue = await collection
        .Find(d => d.Id == id)
        .Project(new ProjectionDefinitionBuilder<TEntity>().Expression(fieldExpression))

    return propertyValue;

and call it 叫它

var value = await GetFieldValue<Item, string>("111", x => x.Name);

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