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Java ProcessBuilder输出到字符串

[英]Java ProcessBuilder Output to String

How to redirect or get the system output to String? 如何重定向或将系统输出转换为String?

ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder().inheritIO();

for (...){

    //here >>> assign output string to variable

Here is an opinion on how to capture the standard output of a system command process into a string container. 以下是关于如何将系统命令进程的标准输出捕获到字符串容器中的意见。

Adapted from the web: 改编自网络:

try {
  ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("echo", "dummy io");
  final Process p=pb.start();
  BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
  String line;
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  while((line=br.readLine())!=null) sb.append(line);


In congruence with my original comment on what would be a good example of Basic I/O. 与我原来评论基本I / O的一个很好的例子是一致的。 I hacked out some code, with a few more features than basic. 我删除了一些代码,除了基本功能之外还有一些功能。

Extras 附加功能

  • An environment shell for variables and 变量和环境的shell
  • A working directory 一个工作目录

These features add "profile-style" execution to your System commands. 这些功能为系统命令添加了“配置文件样式”执行。

Foundational Work 基础工作

Java Threading and Joining by Oracle. Oracle的Java线程加入


import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Created by triston on 11/2/17.

public class Commander {

  private Commander(){} // no construction

  public static class StreamHandler implements Runnable {

    Object source;
    Object destination;

    StreamHandler(Object source, Object oDestination) {
      this.source = source; this.destination = oDestination;

    public void run() {
      if (source instanceof InputStream) {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) source));
        String line;
        try {
          while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) ((StringBuilder) destination).append(line + '\n');
        } catch (IOException oE) {
      } else {
        PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter((OutputStream)destination);
        pw.flush(); pw.close();

    public static Thread read(InputStream source, StringBuilder dest) {
      Thread thread = new Thread(new StreamHandler(source, dest));
      return thread;

    public static Thread write(String source, OutputStream dest) {
      Thread thread = new Thread(new StreamHandler(source, dest));
      return thread;


  static Map<String, String> environment = loadEnvironment();

  static String workingDirectory = ".";

  static Map<String, String> loadEnvironment() {
    ProcessBuilder x = new ProcessBuilder();
    return x.environment();

  static public void resetEnvironment() {
    environment = loadEnvironment();
    workingDirectory = ".";

  static public void loadEnvirons(HashMap input) {

  static public String getEnviron(String name) {
    return environment.get(name);

  static public void setEnviron(String name, String value) {
    environment.put(name, value);

  static public boolean clearEnviron(String name) {
    return environment.remove(name) != null;

  static public boolean setWorkingDirectory(String path) {
    File test = new File(path);
    if (!test.isDirectory()) return false;
    workingDirectory = path;
    return true;

  static public String getWorkingDirectory() {
    return workingDirectory;

  static public class Command {

    ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();
    Process process;

    public Command(String... parameters) {
      processBuilder.directory(new File(workingDirectory));

    public int start(String input, StringBuilder output, StringBuilder error) throws IOException {

      // start the process
      process = processBuilder.start();

      // start the error reader
      Thread errorBranch = StreamHandler.read(process.getErrorStream(), error);

      // start the output reader
      Thread outputBranch = StreamHandler.read(process.getInputStream(), output);

      // start the input
      Thread inputBranch = StreamHandler.write(input, process.getOutputStream());

      int rValue = 254;
      try {
        inputBranch.join(); rValue--;
        outputBranch.join(); rValue--;
        errorBranch.join(); rValue--;
        return process.waitFor();
      } catch (InterruptedException oE) {
        return rValue;



Testing 测试

@Test public void foo() {
  Command cmd = new Command("sh", "--");
  StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
  StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
  int pValue = 127;
  try {
    pValue = cmd.start("echo well done > /dev/stderr\n\necho oh, wow; false", output, error);
  } catch (IOException oE) {
  System.out.println("output: "+output.toString());
  System.out.println("error: "+error.toString());
  System.out.println("\nExit code: "+pValue);

Bring your own package and JUnit annotations. 带上您自己的packageJUnit注释。 This sample code demonstrates return value, command input, command standard output, and command error output. 此示例代码演示了返回值,命令输入,命令标准输出和命令错误输出。

My original design, called for the main thread to perform the standard output processing. 我的原始设计,要求主线程执行标准输出处理。

Have a great day. 祝你有美好的一天。

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