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[英]WordCloud of transaction activities in R

I am trying to generate a wordcloud from some transaction activities in order to show where people spend the most money. 我试图通过一些交易活动生成一个词云,以显示人们在哪里花了最多的钱。 The transaction activities look like the following: 事务活动如下所示:

Description       Amount
Albertson         20
Albertson         30
Albertson         35
CVS               10
CVS               40
Walmart           15
Walmart           44

I can generate wordcloud easily by Description's frequency. 我可以通过Description的频率轻松生成wordcloud。 But how can I get wordcloud which sorted by sum(amount) of each category? 但是,如何获得按每个类别的总和(金额)排序的wordcloud? Thanks! 谢谢!

BTW here is my code 顺便说一句这是我的代码


data_corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(data))

data_corpus <- tm_map(data_corpus, content_transformer(tolower), mc.cores=1)
data_corpus <- tm_map(data_corpus, removePunctuation, mc.cores=1)
data_corpus <- tm_map(data_corpus, function(x)removeWords(x,stopwords()), mc.cores=1)
data_corpus <- tm_map(data_corpus, removeNumbers, mc.cores=1)

pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
png("25-34.png", width=1280,height=800)
wordcloud(data_corpus, scale=c(6,.2),min.freq=50,max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal2)

I loaded your mini table into a dataframe called data. 我将您的迷你表加载到一个名为data的数据框中。 Then ran the following code: 然后运行以下代码:

# group by Description and sum the Amounts
data <- data %>% group_by(Description) %>% summarise(Amount = sum(Amount))

pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")
wordcloud(data$Description, freq = data$Amount, scale=c(6,.2),min.freq=50,max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal2)

No need for the tm package. 不需要tm软件包。 Just specify your description in the words section and the Amount in the frequency section. 只需在文字部分指定您的描述,在频率部分指定金额。

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