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[英]Universal references with functions

What is the type of "univ" in the code below? 下面的代码中“ univ”是什么类型?

template<typename T>
void func(T&& univ) {
    // ??

int sum(int a, int b) {
 return a+b;   

int main() {



I didn't know that universal references also worked with functions. 我不知道通用引用也可以与函数一起使用。 Is func(sum); func(sum); equivalent to func(&sum); 等同于func(&sum); or is the rvalue reference binding itself to something else than a simple pointer? 还是右值引用将自身绑定到除了简单指针之外的其他东西?

I don't really know how to put this into more words... 我真的不知道该如何用更多的话来表达...

The type is reference to function taking two int s and returning and int 类型是对采用两个int并返回int int的函数的引用

or, as a comment says: int(&)(int, int) 或者,如评论所述: int(&)(int, int)

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