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[英]Randomly choose a word from a text document

I have a method called getWord() and I don't know what to add to it to actually choose a word from a text file. 我有一个名为getWord()的方法,但我不知道要从文本文件中实际选择一个单词来添加什么内容。 My text file consists of 5 words. 我的文本文件包含5个字。 Its easy printing all words in document, but how can I print one word differently each time I run the program. 它很容易打印文档中的所有单词,但是每次运行程序时如何以不同的方式打印一个单词。 My code is below. 我的代码如下。

private Scanner file;
private final List<String> words;

public TextFile(){
    words = readFile();

public String getWord(){

return numOfWords;


private List<String> readFile() {

    List<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
        file = new Scanner(new File("words.txt"));


    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        System.out.println("File Not Found");
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return wordList;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    TextFile file = new TextFile();

If you already have a list of the words in the text file, it looks like your question boils down to how to choose a random number for the index of the word to print. 如果文本文件中已经有单词列表,则您的问题似乎归结为如何为打印的单词索引选择随机数。 There are two ways to do this in Java (as far as I know). 在Java中,有两种方法可以做到这一点(据我所知)。

You can use a Random object. 您可以使用Random对象。

List<String> words;    // assign stuff to words
Random r = new Random();

//yields random number in the range of 0 to words.size()-1 inclusive
int num = r.nextInt(words.size());

Or you can use Math.random() . 或者,您可以使用Math.random() Math.random() returns a double between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). Math.random()返回介于0(含)和1( Math.random()之间的双Math.random()值。

List<String> words;    // assign stuff to words
int index = (int)(Math.random() * words.size());

There's also the version where your file is 100GB, but you have a word iterator: 还有一个版本,文件大小为100GB,但是有一个单词迭代器:

Iterator<String> iterator = ...;
long wordNumber = 0;
String word = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    String nextWord = iterator.next();
    if (Math.random() < 1.0 / ++wordNumber) {
        word = nextWord;

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