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Magento FPC Cache使用用户组,wget,Lesti FPC热情

[英]Magento FPC Cache Warm with user groups, wget, Lesti FPC

I'm using Lesti FPC on a Magento site with 10 customer groups and a lot of categories/products. 我在Magento网站上使用Lesti FPC,有10个客户群和很多类别/产品。

I've created a shell script which reads the sitemap.xml and wget's each url overnight to build the cache of the site. 我创建了一个shell脚本,它读取sitemap.xml并在一夜之间wget每个url来构建站点的缓存。 This works great for guests but when a customer group user logs in, they are building the cache themselves (if they are the first of the day). 这对客人很有用,但是当客户组用户登录时,他们自己构建缓存(如果他们是当天的第一天)。

Does anyone know how to make a shell script that could simulate logging itself in and then trawl the site? 有谁知道如何制作一个shell脚本,可以模拟自己登录然后拖网站点? Is it even possible for a shell script to hold its own session/cookie information to remain logged in? 是否有可能shell脚本保留自己的会话/ cookie信息以保持登录状态? and if not, any other ideas? 如果没有,还有其他想法吗?

Many thanks 非常感谢

So thanks to some Googling and lots of trial and error, I've found a solution which I thought I'd share. 所以,多亏了一些谷歌搜索和大量的反复试验,我找到了一个我认为我会分享的解决方案。

You can use WGET to hold session/cookie information by saving and loading the cookies. 可以使用WGET通过保存和加载cookie来保存会话/ cookie信息。 Magento has it's own restriction as you need to establish a session cookie before you login or the script will be redirected to the 'enable-cookies' page rather than login, so here is the script; Magento有自己的限制,因为你需要在登录之前建立一个会话cookie,或者将脚本重定向到'enable-cookies'页面而不是登录,所以这里是脚本;

# Establish a session and nab the cookie                   
 wget --save-cookies cookies.txt \

# Post your user credentials to login and update the cookie
  wget --save-cookies cookies.txt \
  --load-cookies cookies.txt \
  --post-data 'login[username]=USERNAME&login[password]=PASSWORD' \

# Load the cookie for each page you want to WGET to maintain the session
 wget --load-cookies cookies.txt \
 -p http://www.yourmagentourl.co.uk/some-category.html

That's the basis, so very easy to now load all the urls from a sitemap.xml and build the logged in versions of the cache. 这是基础,所以现在很容易从sitemap.xml加载所有url并构建缓存的登录版本。

Props to Grafista for a steer on saving cookie info. 向Grafista道具,以节省cookie信息。

Happy caching! 快乐缓存!


Here's the code to cycle through the sitemap and load each page to build the cache for guests. 这是循环遍历站点地图并加载每个页面以为guest虚拟机构建缓存的代码。 Save this as cachewarm.sh and create a cronjob to run it each night (dont forget to delete or expire your pagecache first) 将其保存为cachewarm.sh并创建一个cronjob以便每晚运行它(不要忘记先删除或过期你的pagecache)

# Pixie Media https://www.pixiemedia.co.uk
# Use the sitemap and reload the Page Cache by accessing each page once

wget --quiet http://YOUR-URL.co.uk/sitemap.xml --output-document - | egrep -o "http://YOUR-URL.co.uk/[^<]+" | wget -q --delete-after -i -

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