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[英]How to call external js file variable in HTML

I have a js file. 我有一个js文件。

File Name: propoties.js 文件名: propoties.js

function simple()
    var text = "Control";

These is my html code. 这些是我的html代码。 What i want is alert that text variable in html. 我想要的是提醒HTML中的文本变量。

<script type='text/javascript' src='path/propoties.js'></script>    
    alert(text); /* It is not working */

Please help me these. 请帮我这些。 Thank you. 谢谢。

Your js file: 您的js文件:

var simple=function(){
   var textMultiple = {
   return textMultiple;

In your html: 在您的html中:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='./relative/path/to/propoties.js'></script>    

here is a plunkr demo. 这是一个plunkr演示。

If you want to alert the text in external file you need to declare the variable as global like below. 如果要警告外部文件中的文本,则需要将变量声明为global,如下所示。

var text = "Control";
function simple()

or you can declare the variable using window keyword 或者您可以使用window关键字声明变量

function simple()
    window.text = "Control";

please check in plunker http://plnkr.co/edit/HjkwlcnkPwJZ7yyo55q6?p=preview 请签入插件http://plnkr.co/edit/HjkwlcnkPwJZ7yyo55q6?p=preview

like you did it the "text" variable is only set in the scope of the function "simple" . 就像您所做的那样,“文本”变量仅在函数“简单”的范围内设置。

you should make the "text" variable global by declaring it outside the function. 您应该通过在函数外部声明“ text”变量来使其成为全局变量。

var text = "";

function simple()
    text = "Control";

Declaring the variable globally will work. 全局声明变量将起作用。 ie

var text = "";
function simple()
     text = "Control";

see plunker 朋克

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