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[英]WebView.loadUrl(url, headers) not working in android

I am setting the cookie in headers and call WebView.loadUrl() with this header but it(Cookie in header) will not work on any android device except 4.4. 我在标头中设置cookie并使用此标头调用WebView.loadUrl()但它(标头中的Cookie)将无法在除4.4之外的任何Android设备上运行。 I have test it on android versions 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0 and 5.1. 我在Android版本4.2,4.3,4.4,5.0和5.1上测试了它。

webView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.web_view);

HashMap <String, String> extraHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
extraHeaders.put("Cookie", "{cookie value}");

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){
            view.loadUrl(url, extraHeaders);
                return false;

webView.loadUrl(url, extraHeaders);



if you are using Android Lollipop, then 如果您使用的是Android Lollipop,那么


won't work. 不行。 You need to use 你需要使用


To set cookie use the following method 要设置cookie,请使用以下方法


Make sure the base endpoint matches the base url of the links opened in the webview. 确保基本端点与webview中打开的链接的基本URL匹配。

To remove cookie 要删除cookie

            } else {

It's beceause of Cookie Policy, to fix it, you should add this : 这是因为Cookie政策,要修复它,你应该添加:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    // Allow third party cookies for Android Lollipop
        WebView webView = (WebView)super.appView;
        CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();


This is just a quick post about adding cookies to a web view. 这只是关于将Cookie添加到Web视图的快速帖子。 If you've ever tried to do this the way most people have said that it should be done, you've failed miserably and found this post. 如果你曾经尝试过按照大多数人说应该这样做的方式做到这一点,那你就失败了,发现了这篇文章。 :) :)

The way it's supposed to work is you set the cookie on the CookieManager and then tell the CookieSyncManager to sync. 它应该工作的方式是你在CookieManager上设置cookie然后告诉CookieSyncManager同步。

CookieManager.getInstance().setCookie(domain, value);

I've never got this to work as described. 我从来没有按照描述工作。 With or without async tasks waiting for the threads to catch up. 有或没有异步任务等待线程赶上。

Instead, I just add the cookie in the header of all the loadUrl calls. 相反,我只是在所有loadUrl调用的标头中添加cookie。

Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
headers.put("Cookie", "cookieName=cookieValue;domain=domain.com;path=/;Expires=Thu, 2 Aug 2021 20:47:11 UTC;");
webView.loadUrl("myurl.com", headers );

Caveat: I only need to initially load the appropriate cookie for the request, if you want to cover nested calls from inside the browser, you need to override shouldOverrideUrlLoading. 警告:我只需要为请求初始加载适当的cookie,如果要覆盖浏览器内部的嵌套调用,则需要覆盖shouldOverrideUrlLoading。

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
     public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
         view.loadUrl(url, headers);
         return false;

If you need to inject the cookie for all requests(including images, js, etc), you're going to need to override shouldInterceptRequest , 如果你需要为所有请求(包括图像,js等)注入cookie,你将需要覆盖shouldInterceptRequest

I got the solution for the issue by creating the custom cookie manager: 我通过创建自定义cookie管理器获得了该问题的解决方案:

public class WebkitCookieManagerProxy extends CookieManager {
    private android.webkit.CookieManager webkitCookieManager;
    public WebkitCookieManagerProxy() {
        this(null, null);
    public WebkitCookieManagerProxy(CookieStore store, CookiePolicy cookiePolicy) {
        super(null, cookiePolicy);
        this.webkitCookieManager = android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance();
    public void put(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) throws IOException {
        // make sure our args are valid
        if ((uri == null) || (responseHeaders == null)) return;
        // save our url once
        String url = uri.toString();
        // go over the headers
        for (String headerKey : responseHeaders.keySet()) {
            // ignore headers which aren't cookie related
            if ((headerKey == null) || !(headerKey.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie2") || headerKey.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie"))) continue;
            // process each of the headers
            for (String headerValue : responseHeaders.get(headerKey)) {
                this.webkitCookieManager.setCookie(url, headerValue);
    public Map<String, List<String>> get(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders) throws IOException {
        // make sure our args are valid
        if ((uri == null) || (requestHeaders == null)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is null");
        // save our url once
        String url = uri.toString();
        // prepare our response
        Map<String, List<String>> res = new java.util.HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        // get the cookie
        String cookie = this.webkitCookieManager.getCookie(url);
        if (cookie != null) res.put("Cookie", Arrays.asList(cookie));
        return res;
    public CookieStore getCookieStore() {
        // we don't want anyone to work with this cookie store directly
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

And initialize the custom cookie manager in Application class or when application starts as: 并在Application类或应用程序启动时初始化自定义cookie管理器:

WebkitCookieManagerProxy coreCookieManager = new WebkitCookieManagerProxy(null, java.net.CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL);

If you are using Android Lollipop ie SDK 21, then: 如果您使用的是Android Lollipop,即SDK 21,那么:


won't work. 不行。 You need to use: 你需要使用:


I ran into same issue and the above line worked as a charm. 我遇到了同样的问题,上面的一行充当了魅力。

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