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OpenCart 主题“MarketShop”滑块问题

[英]OpenCart Theme 'MarketShop' slider issue

I'm using an opencart theme called MarketShop and as part of the theme it comes with a featured slider on the top of the website.我正在使用一个名为 MarketShop 的 opencart 主题,作为主题的一部分,它在网站顶部带有一个特色滑块。 It was all functioning correctly this morning, I went to edit the pictures by removing the original module and recreating it with a different banner.今天早上一切正常,我通过删除原始模块并使用不同的横幅重新创建它来编辑图片。 Now the module has been created but its not showing up on the website.现在模块已经创建,但它没有显示在网站上。

What have I done wrong?我做错了什么?

I believe the two modules have identical information but I could be incorrect.我相信这两个模块具有相同的信息,但我可能不正确。

I've tried reupoloading all files from the theme and just skipping any that were identical in order to try and find the missing file with no luck.我已经尝试重新加载主题中的所有文件,只是跳过任何相同的文件,以便尝试在没有运气的情况下找到丢失的文件。

Any suggestions besides doing a factory reset are much appreciated!除了恢复出厂设置之外的任何建议都非常感谢!

UPDATE: Doesn't seem like anyone is able to determine the fault... Going to do a fresh install unless someone wants to first login themeselves and see if they can find the problem?更新:似乎没有人能够确定故障......除非有人想首先登录自己并查看他们是否可以找到问题,否则将进行全新安装?

I managed to resolve this issue myself finallly after a LOT of playing around!经过大量的玩耍,我终于自己解决了这个问题!

Steps I took to fix this issue were as follows..我为解决此问题而采取的步骤如下..

First I uninstalled the module and reinstalled (It deleted all tests I made + the original demo items).首先我卸载了模块并重新安装(它删除了我所做的所有测试+原始演示项目)。

Then I clicked the install button again and went to edit.然后我再次单击安装按钮并进行编辑。 I added one slideshow item and choose my banner that I'd setup earlier via the banners link in the admin panel.我添加了一个幻灯片项目并选择了我之前通过管理面板中的横幅链接设置的横幅。

I then went to LAYOUTS which is found next to the banners link or after you click save in modules at the top a hyperlink to layouts is offered.然后我去了横幅链接旁边的布局,或者在您单击顶部的模块中的保存后,会提供一个指向布局的超链接。

Upon going to the layouts section and playing around here for even more time I worked out I needed to go into the Homepage file and click edit (NOT THE ONE NAME DEFAULT)!在转到布局部分并在这里玩了更多时间后,我发现我需要进入主页文件并单击编辑(不是默认名称)!

I tried this numerous times with the DEFAULT page (Note that my store is even set so that the default theme is default which led me to believe that was the right page, which it is not.我在 DEFAULT 页面上尝试了很多次(请注意,我的商店甚至设置为默认主题是默认的,这让我相信这是正确的页面,但事实并非如此。

So go into homepage and click edit.所以进入主页并点击编辑。

Then add one module with the blue plus.然后添加一个带有蓝色加号的模块。 Select the module you've just created earlier.选择您之前刚刚创建的模块。 Position it where you want it on the page (to get it to work for me I selected "Content Top" and Sort Order I set to 1 (The other two modules had sort orders of 2 and 3)将它放在页面上你想要的位置(为了让它对我有用,我选择了“内容顶部”和我设置为 1 的排序顺序(其他两个模块的排序顺序为 2 和 3)

And that was that, problem solved!就是这样,问题解决了!

Hopefully this will help anyone else with similar issues.希望这会帮助其他有类似问题的人。

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