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iOS Quickblox聊天:出现错误:Code = -999“您需要启用流管理才能使用此功能

[英]iOS Quickblox chat : getting error: Code=-999 "You need to enable stream management to use this feature

I have used Quickblox for implementing chat feature in one of my client's iPhone application. 我已经使用Quickblox在客户的iPhone应用程序之一中实现聊天功能。 The chat feature used to work fine initially for a few weeks, but suddenly it has stopped working: 最初,聊天功能可以正常工作几个星期,但是突然,它停止了工作:

I am getting the following error: Code=-999 "You need to enable stream management to use this feature 我收到以下错误:Code = -999“您需要启用流管理才能使用此功能

I really need to know from where to enable this feature? 我真的需要知道从何处启用此功能? Is it from the admin panel or from the code? 是从管理面板还是从代码? Please guide me with appropriate steps to resolve this issue asap. 请以适当的步骤指导我尽快解决此问题。 I will be thankful. 我会很感激的。

I am sending the message as: 我将邮件发送为:

    QBChatMessage * messageToSend = [QBChatMessage message];
    messageToSend.recipientID = self.mRecieverQBUser.ID;
    messageToSend.text = message;
    messageToSend.senderID = qbUser.ID;
    messageToSend.customParameters = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"YES" forKey:@"save_to_history"];
    [[QBChat instance] sendMessage:messageToSend sentBlock:^(NSError *error) {
     NSLog(@"ERROR %@", error)

Just call this after you login to chat: 登录聊天后只需致电:

[QBChat instance].streamManagementEnabled = YES;

Also, using this method is Deprecated in 2.3. 另外,在2.3中不推荐使用此方法。 Use 'sendMessage:sentBlock:' in QBChatDialog class. 在QBChatDialog类中使用“ sendMessage:sentBlock:”。

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