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[英]Having trouble with a CSS menu

I need a CSS expert to review the CSS and HTML for my site menu. 我需要CSS专家来查看网站菜单的CSS和HTML。 You can see it in action at http://www.BoltBait.com 您可以在http://www.BoltBait.com上看到它的运行情况

 .menu { padding: 0 0 0 32px; margin: 0; list-style: none; height: 35px; background: #fff url(http://boltbait.com/images/MenuBack.png) repeat-x; position: relative; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, tahoma, sans-serif; } .menu li.top { display: block; float: left; position: relative; } .menu li a.top_link { display: block; float: left; height: 35px; line-height: 33px; color: white; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; padding: 0 0 0 12px; cursor: pointer; } .menu li a.top_link span { float: left; font-weight: normal; display: block; padding: 0 23px 0 12px; height: 35px; } .menu li a.top_link span.down { float: left; display:block; padding:0 24px 0 12px; height:35px; background:url(http://boltbait.com/images/down.gif) no-repeat right top; } .menu li a.top_link:hover { color: #000; background: url(http://boltbait.com/images/button4.gif) no-repeat; } .menu li a.top_link:hover span { background: url(http://boltbait.com/images/button4.gif) no-repeat right top; } .menu li a.top_link:hover span.down { background: url(http://boltbait.com/images/button4a.gif) no-repeat right top; } .menu li:hover > a.top_link { color: #000; background: url(http://boltbait.com/images/button4.gif) no-repeat; } .menu li:hover > a.top_link span { background: url(http://boltbait.com/images/button4.gif) no-repeat right top; } .menu li:hover > a.top_link span.down { background: url(http://boltbait.com/images/button4a.gif) no-repeat right top; } .menu table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 0; height: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } .menu a:hover { visibility: visible; } .menu li:hover { position: relative; z-index: 200; } .menu ul, .menu:hover ul ul, .menu:hover ul:hover ul ul, .menu:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul ul, .menu:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul ul { position: absolute; left: -9999px; top: -9999px; width: 0; height: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .menu:hover ul.sub { left: 2px; top: 35px; right: 2px; background: #fff; padding: 3px 0; border: 1px solid #999999; white-space: nowrap; width: 200px; height: auto; } .menu:hover ul.sub li { display: block; height: 20px; position: relative; float: left; width: 250px; } .menu:hover ul.sub li a { font-weight: normal; display: block; font-size: 11px; height: 20px; width: 192px; line-height: 20px; text-indent: 5px; color: #000; text-decoration: none; border: 3px solid #fff; border-width: 0 0 0 3px; } .menu:hover ul.sub li a.fly { background: #fff url(http://boltbait.com/images/arrow.gif) 80px 7px no-repeat; } .menu:hover ul.sub li a:hover { background: #999999; color: #fff; } .menu:hover ul.sub li a.fly:hover { background: #999999 url(http://boltbait.com/images/arrow_over.gif) 80px 7px no-repeat; color: #fff; } .menu:hover ul li:hover > a.fly { background: #999999 url(http://boltbait.com/images/arrow_over.gif) 80px 7px no-repeat; color: #fff; } .menu:hover ul:hover ul, .menu:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul, .menu:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul, .menu:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul:hover ul { left: 90px; top: -4px; background: #fff; padding: 3px 0; border: 1px solid 999999; white-space: nowrap; width: 93px; z-index: 200; height: auto; } 
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The problem is that on the top level page, the sub menus don't show. 问题是在顶层页面上没有显示子菜单。 But, if you navigate to any of the pages, such as http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn the sub menus show on hover as they are supposed to. 但是,如果您导航到任何页面,例如http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn,则子菜单将按预期显示在悬停上。

This code was written by one of those free online menu builders that I can't remember. 这段代码是由我不记得的那些免费在线菜单构建器之一编写的。 So, I'm at a loss as to what is wrong with the code. 因此,我对代码的问题不知所措。

Any help would be most welcome. 任何帮助将是最欢迎的。 Thanks! 谢谢!

You're missing the doctype declaration on the main page. 您在主页上缺少doctype声明。

You have: 你有:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

On the other pages. 在其他页面上。 Adding that to the main page should do the trick. 将其添加到主页应该可以解决问题。

Why do you need such generators for menu? 为什么您需要菜单生成器? Simply you can use this: 只需使用以下即可:

 .menu > li {display: inline-block; position: relative;} .menu > li .sub {display: none; position: absolute; left: 0;} .menu > li:hover .sub {display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none;} 
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