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[英]Preload images using Javascript

I want to preload some images. 我想预加载一些图像。 Here is the code that I am trying to adapt to my needs. 这是我要适应我的需求的代码。

function preLoadImages(callback) {
    var count = 0;
    var loadNext = function () {
        var pic = new Image();
        pic.onload = function () {
            $scope.imagesToLoad[count].image = pic;
            if (count >= $scope.imagesToLoad.length) {
            } else {
        pic.src = '<img src=\'assets' + $scope.imagesToLoad[count].Name1 + "_" +
            $scope.imagesToLoad[count].Name2 + "_" + $scope.imagesToLoad[count].Name3 + '.png\'/>';

My expectation was that when pic.src is set, I will get into onload function and continue loading my images. 我的期望是,设置pic.src ,我将进入onload函数并继续加载我的图像。 But I am not getting into onload. 但我没有进入负载。 So, my question is when we set src do we actually trigger image loading? 所以,我的问题是,当我们设置src时,是否实际上触发了图像加载?

Thanks 谢谢

From marekful 's comment I realized that your previous function load images in sequence, which means the next image will only start loading when previous one is loaded, however, in your question, you seems to expect the next start right after the prev starts. marekful的评论中,我意识到您的上一个函数将按顺序加载images ,这意味着下一个图像将仅在加载上一个图像时才开始加载,但是,在您的问题中,您似乎希望下一个图像在prev开始后立即开始。

So if you want to start all image's loading process, you write code like: 因此,如果要开始所有图像的加载过程,请编写类似以下的代码:

function preLoadImages(callback) {
  var imagesToLoadCount = $scope.imagesToLoad.length;

  var loadImage = function(index) {
    var pic = new Image();
    pic.onload = function() {
      $scope.imagesToLoad[index].image = pic;
      if (imagesToLoadCount === 0) {
        // This will be called when all images complete loading,
    pic.onerror = function() {
      // Fail Handle here.
      if (imagesToLoadCount === 0) {
        // This will be called when all images complete loading,
    pic.src = 'assets' + $scope.imagesToLoad[index].Name1 + "_" +
      $scope.imagesToLoad[index].Name2 + "_" + $scope.imagesToLoad[index].Name3 + '.png';

  // Start to load all images.
  for (var i = 0; i < imagesToLoadCount; ++i) {

  // Your previous callback is likely to be called here, is it what you want?

However, I'm not sure when do you want your callback to be called, as you want to call that callback when all image start loading. 但是,我不确定何时要调用回调,因为要在所有图像开始加载时调用该回调。

I put a comment on where your callback would intent to be, and the place I put the callback would be call when all images is finished(or errord). 我对您的回调打算在何处发表评论,并在所有图像完成(或出错)后调用该callback

And, as I'm not sure how your web works with that url, make sure the src of the pic is reachable. 而且,由于我不确定您的网站如何使用该网址,因此请确保picsrc是可访问的。

I would check your web console for any 404 errors to make sure you are trying to load the correct file. 我会检查您的Web控制台是否有404错误,以确保您尝试加载正确的文件。 I don't know your file path, so there is a chance the src is wrong. 我不知道您的文件路径,因此src有可能是错误的。

pic.src = '<img src=\\'assets' + $scope.imagesToLoad[count].Name1 + "_" + $scope.imagesToLoad[count].Name2 + "_" + $scope.imagesToLoad[count].Name3 + '.png\\'/>'

The above looks a bit strange - try just replacing the single quotes preceeding assets and following .png with double quotes then you won't need to escape. 上面的代码看起来有些奇怪-尝试仅替换assets前面的单引号,然后将.png替换为双引号,则无需转义。

Also, if you put in an onerror event, you can check if there is an error in loading, eg 另外,如果您放置了onerror事件,则可以检查加载是否存在错误,例如

pic.onerror = function () {
    console.log('There was an error. Check web console for more info');

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