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Unity C中的泛型#

[英]Generics in Unity C#

I am having a lot of trouble with the syntax and the rules for using Generics. 我在使用泛型的语法和规则方面遇到了很多麻烦。 I am trying to make a structure, where different classes, can use the WaitAction class to disable input while a couroutine is running, an re-enable it once the coroutine is finished. 我正在尝试创建一个结构,其中不同的类可以使用WaitAction类在couroutine运行时禁用输入,一旦协程完成就重新启用它。

This example is a simplified version, and in reality I will not be using a count float to define the length of the coroutine, but the length will based on animations and translation. 这个例子是一个简化版本,实际上我不会使用count float来定义协程的长度,但是长度将基于动画和翻译。

Is what I am trying to do at all possible? 我想尽力做什么?

"Somehow use "T _ready" to change the "bool ready" in "Main Class" back to "true"" “不知何故用”T _ready“将”Main Class“中的”bool ready“改回”true“”

public class Main : Monobehaviour {

  WaitAction _waitAction = new WaitAction();

  public bool ready;
  float delay = 5f;

  void Update()
    if(Input.GetMouseButton(0) && ready)
          ready = false;
          StartCoroutine(_waitAction.SomeCoroutine((delay, this));

public class WaitAction {

    public IEnumerator SomeCoroutine<T>(float count, T _ready)
        float time = Time.time;

        while(Time.time < time + count)
            yield return null;
        // Somehow use "T _ready" to change the "bool ready" in "Main Class" back to "true"

The solution is to constrain the generic type, such that the generic method knows how to set the ready flag. 解决方案是约束泛型类型,以便泛型方法知道如何设置ready标志。 This is easily done using an interface: 使用界面可以轻松完成:

public interface IReady
    bool ready { get; set; }

public class Main : Monobehaviour, IReady {

    public bool bool ready { get; set; }

public class WaitAction {

    public IEnumerator SomeCoroutine<T>(float count, T _ready) where T : IReady
        _ready.Ready = true;

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