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[英]Changing values of a list of namedtuples

I have a list of namedtuples named Books and am trying to increase the price field by 20% which does change the value of Books . 我有一个名为Books的名单元素列表,我试图将price字段提高20%,这确实会改变Books的价值。 I tried to do: 我试着这样做:

from collections import namedtuple
Book = namedtuple('Book', 'author title genre year price instock')
BSI = [
       Book('Suzane Collins','The Hunger Games', 'Fiction', 2008, 6.96, 20),
       Book('J.K. Rowling', "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", 'Fantasy', 1997, 4.78, 12)]
for item in BSI:
    item = item.price*1.10

But I keep getting : 但我一直在:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'price'

I understand that I cannot set the fields in a namedtuple. 我知道我不能在namedtuple中设置字段。 How do I go about updating price ? 我该如何更新price

I tried to make it into a function: 我试着把它变成一个函数:

def restaurant_change_price(rest, newprice):
    rest.price = rest._replace(price = rest.price + newprice)
    return rest.price

print(restaurant_change_price(Restaurant("Taillevent", "French", "343-3434", "Escargots", 24.50), 25))

but I get an error with replace saying: 但我得到一个错误,替换说:

 rest.price = rest._replace(price = rest.price + newprice)
 AttributeError: can't set attribute

Can someone let me know why this is happening? 有人能告诉我为什么会这样吗?

Named tuples are immutable , so you cannot manipulate them. 命名元组是不可变的 ,因此您无法操纵它们。

Right way of doing it: 正确的做法:

If you want something mutable , you can use recordtype . 如果你想要一些可变的东西,你可以使用recordtype

from recordtype import recordtype

Book = recordtype('Book', 'author title genre year price instock')
books = [
   Book('Suzane Collins','The Hunger Games', 'Fiction', 2008, 6.96, 20),
   Book('J.K. Rowling', "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", 'Fantasy', 1997, 4.78, 12)]

for book in books:
    book.price *= 1.1

PS: You may need to pip install recordtype if you don't have it installed. PS:如果你没有pip install recordtype你可能需要pip install recordtype

Bad way of doing it: 糟糕的做法:

You may also keep using namedtuple with using the _replace() method. 您也可以继续使用namedtuple使用的_replace()方法。

from collections import namedtuple

Book = namedtuple('Book', 'author title genre year price instock')
books = [
   Book('Suzane Collins','The Hunger Games', 'Fiction', 2008, 6.96, 20),
   Book('J.K. Rowling', "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", 'Fantasy', 1997, 4.78, 12)]

for i in range(len(books)):
    books[i] = books[i]._replace(price = books[i].price*1.1)

In Python >= 3.7 you can use dataclass decorator with the new variable annotations feature to produce mutable record types: 在Python> = 3.7中,您可以使用带有新变量注释功能的数据类装饰器来生成可变记录类型:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Book:
    author: str
    title: str
    genre: str
    year: int
    price: float
    instock: int

BSI = [
    Book("Suzane Collins", "The Hunger Games", "Fiction", 2008, 6.96, 20),
        "J.K. Rowling",
        "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone",

for item in BSI:
    item.price *= 1.10
    print(f"New price for '{item.title}' book is {item.price:,.2f}")

Output: 输出:

New price for 'The Hunger Games' book is 7.66
New price for 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' book is 5.26

This looks like a task for Python's data analysis library, pandas . 这看起来像是Python的数据分析库pandas的任务。 It's really, really easy to do this sort of thing: 做这种事真的很容易:

In [6]: import pandas as pd
In [7]: df = pd.DataFrame(BSI, columns=Book._fields)
In [8]: df
           author                                  title    genre  year  \
0  Suzane Collins                       The Hunger Games  Fiction  2008   
1    J.K. Rowling  Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone  Fantasy  1997   

   price  instock  
0   6.96       20  
1   4.78       12  

In [9]: df['price'] *= 100
In [10]: df
           author                                  title    genre  year  \
0  Suzane Collins                       The Hunger Games  Fiction  2008   
1    J.K. Rowling  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone  Fantasy  1997   

   price  instock  
0    696       20  
1    478       12  

Now isn't that just much, much better than labouring with namedtuple s? 现在不是那么多,比使用namedtuple s更好吗?

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