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如何在MS Word 2010中使用域代码舍入值?

[英]How to round a value using field codes in MS Word 2010?

I am using field codes to dynamic calculate some things. 我正在使用域代码来动态计算一些东西。 Through an ASK field I am getting an value. 通过ASK字段,我获得了价值。

{ASK myvalue "Enter a value"}

Now I use this for some calculations and want to display it as a rounded value to a specified number of decimal places. 现在,我将其用于一些计算,并希望将其显示为四舍五入到指定位数的小数位。

{= ROUND(myvalue/575, 1) \* MERGEFORMAT}

If I do that it displays syntax error. 如果我这样做,它将显示语法错误。 There is no syntax error if I remove the ROUND function. 如果删除ROUND函数,则没有语法错误。

Has anybody an idea what the problem could be? 有谁知道可能是什么问题?

Has anybody an idea what the problem could be? 有谁知道可能是什么问题?

The most likely problem: Word wants you to use the same delimiter character as you have set in Windows Control Panel (Regional Options or whatever). 最可能的问题:Word希望您使用与Windows控制面板中设置的相同的定界符(区域选项或其他)。 The default US/UK English setting is ",", but many locales use ";". 美国/英国的默认英语设置为“,”,但是许多语言环境使用“;”。 In that case your formula would need to be 在这种情况下,您的公式将需要

{= ROUND(myvalue/575; 1) \* MERGEFORMAT}

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