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[英]Copy Excel chart to PowerPoint with embedded data using VBA

After pasting a chart in from Excel, there's a "Smart Tag" that pops up in the bottom right of the chart, from which one can select "Excel chart (entire workbook)" (as opposed to the default "Chart (linked to Excel data)"). 从Excel中粘贴图表后,在图表的右下方弹出一个“智能标记”,从中可以选择“ Excel图表(整个工作簿)”(与默认的“图表”(链接到Excel)相对数据)”)。 This has the effect of embedding the data in the chart so that the data can still be modified, but the chart is not linked to the Excel file. 这具有将数据嵌入图表中的效果,以便仍可以修改数据,但图表未链接到Excel文件。 Has anyone been able to replicate this using VBA (using either in Excel-VBA or PowerPoint-VBA)? 有没有人能够使用VBA(在Excel-VBA或PowerPoint-VBA中使用)复制此内容?

I haven't found any way to programmatically access the "Smart Tag" from VBA. 我还没有找到通过VBA以编程方式访问“智能标记”的任何方法。 Moreover, the Paste Special options do not seem to have an option for this. 此外,“选择性粘贴”选项似乎对此没有选项。

I'm using Office 2007. 我正在使用Office 2007。

Try this Tahlor: 试试这个Tahlor:

Option Explicit

' ===========================================================================================
' Copy Specified chart to PowerPoint whilst maintaining a data link.
' Written by : Jamie Garroch of YOUpresent Ltd. (UK)
' Date : 08 JULY 2015
' For more amazing PowerPoint stuff visit us at from http://youpresent.co.uk/
' ===========================================================================================
' Copyright (c) 2015 YOUpresent Ltd.
' Source code is provide under Creative Commons Attribution License
' This means you must give credit for our original creation in the following form:
' "Includes code created by YOUpresent Ltd. (YOUpresent.co.uk)"
' Commons Deed @ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
' License Legal @ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
' ===========================================================================================
' Macro Execution Environment : Designed to run in Excel VBA.
' ===========================================================================================
' You can use Early Binding (with the advantage that IntelliSense adds) by adding a reference
' to the PowerPoint Object Library and setting the compiler constant EARLYBINDING to True
' but delete it afterwards otherwise you will face a nightmare of compatibility!!!
' ===========================================================================================


Sub CopyPasteLinkedChartToPowerPoint()
  ' Define Early Binding PowerPoint objects so you can use IntelliSense while debuggging
  ' Requires a reference (Tools/References) to the Microsoft PowerPoint XX.Y Object Library
  Dim oPPT As PowerPoint.Application
  Dim oPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
  Dim oSld As PowerPoint.Slide
  ' Define Late Binding PowerPoint objects
  ' Remove the reference to the Microsoft PowerPoint Object Library
  Dim oPPT As Object
  Dim oPres As Object
  Dim oSld As Object
  Const ppLayoutTitle = 1
#End If
  ' Define Excel objects
  Dim oWB As Workbook
  Dim oWS As Worksheet
  Dim oCHT As ChartObject

  Set oPPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
  Set oPres = oPPT.Presentations.Add(msoTrue)
  Set oSld = oPres.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutTitle)

  ' Modify these lines according to how you want to selet the chart
  Set oWB = ActiveWorkbook
  Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets(1)
  Set oCHT = oWS.ChartObjects(1)

  ' Paste the chart to the PowerPoint slide with a data link
  oSld.Shapes.PasteSpecial link:=msoTrue

  ' Clear objects
  Set oPPT = Nothing: Set oPres = Nothing: Set oSld = Nothing
  Set oWB = Nothing: Set oWS = Nothing: Set oCHT = Nothing
End Sub

This is probably really bad form (posting as an answer to my question the answer to Joel's question in his answer), but the code below should help you with your question Joel. 这可能是一种非常糟糕的形式(将我的问题的答案张贴在他的答案中作为乔尔问题的答案),但是下面的代码应该可以帮助您解决乔尔的问题。 This is designed to be run from PowerPoint, and will delete all of the sheets that the selected chart doesn't use. 它旨在从PowerPoint中运行,并且将删除所选图表不使用的所有工作表。 Porting this to Excel should be pretty straightforward, just make sure chart1 is the PowerPoint chart you just pasted in and not the Excel chart you copied over. 将其移植到Excel应该非常简单,只需确保chart1是您刚刚粘贴的PowerPoint图表,而不是您复制过来的Excel图表即可。 In any event, be extra careful to make sure that the graphs are being pasted in with the data (as opposed to being linked to the original workbook), as this code will delete every extra sheet in whatever workbook the chart references. 无论如何,要格外小心,以确保将图形粘贴到数据中(而不是链接到原始工作簿),因为此代码将删除图表引用的任何工作簿中的所有多余工作表。

This has not been tested thoroughly. 这尚未经过彻底测试。 Obviously, back everything up. 显然,备份所有内容。

'Delete extra sheets of selected chart in PowerPoint
Sub delete_excess_sheets()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim chart1 As Chart, used_sheets As Collection
Set chart1 = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Chart
chart1.ChartData.Workbook.Application.DisplayAlerts = False

'Get sheets being used by chart
Set used_sheets = find_source(chart1)

For Each sht In chart1.ChartData.Workbook.worksheets 'this only loops through worksheets, not worksheet-charts
'note that you might first copy/paste values of the sheet supporting the data, if that sheet itself refers to other sheets
    If Not InCollection(used_sheets, sht.Name) Then
    End If

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
chart1.ChartData.Workbook.Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

'Determine which sheets are being used by the chart
Function find_source(search_cht As Object) As Collection

Dim strTemp As String, sheet_collection As New Collection
For Each mysrs In search_cht.SeriesCollection
    first_part = Split(Split(mysrs.Formula, "!")(0), "=SERIES(")(1)
    If (InStr(first_part, "'") = 1 And Right(first_part, 1) = "'") Then first_part = Mid(first_part, 2, Len(first_part) - 2)
    sheet_collection.Add first_part, first_part
Set find_source = sheet_collection

End Function

'Determine if object is in a collection
Public Function InCollection(col As Collection, key As String) As Boolean
  Dim var As Variant
  Dim errNumber As Long

  InCollection = False
  Set var = Nothing

  On Error Resume Next
    var = col.Item(key)
    errNumber = CLng(err.Number)
  On Error GoTo 0

  '5 is not in, 0 and 438 represent incollection
  If errNumber = 5 Then ' it is 5 if not in collection
    InCollection = False
    InCollection = True
  End If

End Function

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