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如何让django runserver停止在pycharm中登录到控制台

[英]How to get django runserver to stop logging to console in pycharm

here is my are my logger settings 这是我的记录器设置

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,

    'handlers': {
        # Send all messages to console
        'console': {
            'level': 'INFO',
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'formatter': 'verbose',

    'loggers': {
         '': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'INFO',
            'propagate': True,

I have configured logging in Django, but my logs are drowned in the continous GET, POST, PUT requests my frontend generates ie i dont want to see logs from django like this 我已经在Django中配置了日志记录,但我的日志被淹没在连续的GET,POST,PUT请求我的前端生成,即我不想看到来自django的日志,就像这样

[08/Jul/2015 11:05:59] "GET /home/ HTTP/1.1" 200 910

only my logs from 只有我的日志来自

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info('Hello world')

is there a way to letrunserver not to display requests and only show logs only from my loggers 有没有办法让letrunserver不显示请求,只显示记录器中的日志

I forgot to mention this in in pycharm 我忘了在pycharm中提到这个

this has no effect in additional options 这对其他选项没有影响

--verbosity 0

this in additional options 这还有其他选择

 > dev/null

gives this error 给出了这个错误

CommandError: Usage is runserver [optional port number, or ipaddr:port]

Process finished with exit code 1

You can use Logging settings to do that. 您可以使用日志记录设置来执行此操作。

Django has number of default Loggers , you can change the handler for whatever logger you want. Django有许多默认记录器 ,您可以更改所需记录器的处理程序。 Maybe if you want to stop it forever make it 'handlers': ['null'] . 也许如果你想永远阻止它,那就让它成为'handlers': ['null']

Reading documentation would be very helpful for you for more information about managing your log. 阅读文档对于您有关管理日志的更多信息非常有用。

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