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[英]Updating a workbook and Saving using VBA

I've created a macro which should refresh all data sources. 我创建了一个应刷新所有数据源的宏。 It's data sources are sql servers, and as such automatically pull up the password box as required. 它的数据源是sql服务器,因此会根据需要自动拉出密码框。 If you've already input a password into the server since Excel was last opened it doesn't ask for the password. 如果自从上次打开Excel后已经在服务器中输入了密码,则不会要求输入密码。

I've managed to get the following piece of code together, but it's not behaving as I'd expect 我设法将下面的代码放在一起,但是却表现不佳

Sub BSR_Refresher()
'Refreshes the spreadsheet and copies it with today's date

'Clears all filters

On Error Resume Next

'Refreshes Spreadsheet

  For Each objConnection In ThisWorkbook.Connections
    'Get current background-refresh value
    bBackground = objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery

    'Temporarily disable background-refresh
    objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False

    'Refresh this connection

    'Set background-refresh value back to original value
    objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = bBackground

'Saves Spreadsheet

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\\Company.local\AnyDrive\Company\Projects\Project001\Reporting\Report Updates" & Format(Date, ddmmyyyy) & ".xls"
      End Sub

From my knowledge of VBA this should do the following: 据我对VBA的了解,这应该执行以下操作:

1) Clear all filters from the tables 1)清除表格中的所有过滤器

2) Run a data refresh (cribbed from Here ) 2)运行数据刷新(从此处开始

3) Save to \\\\Company.local\\AnyDrive\\Company\\Projects\\Project001\\Reporting\\Report Updates (fake names, actual structure) with the file name as FileName 08/07/2015 (where FileName is the current name of the file) 3)保存到\\\\Company.local\\AnyDrive\\Company\\Projects\\Project001\\Reporting\\Report Updates (假名,实际结构),文件名为FileName 08/07/2015(其中FileName是文件的当前名称) )

Any clues as to why this is? 关于这为什么的任何线索?

EDIT: 编辑:

As per comments, its not saving the documents as I require. 根据评论,它没有按我的要求保存文件。

================== ==================

I've altered the code and it's still not working. 我已经更改了代码,但仍然无法正常工作。 I've moved things around as the loop was leading to repeated deletion of one of the sheets due to the addition of a "delete sheet" step. 由于循环导致由于添加了“删除工作表”步骤而导致重复删除工作表之一,因此我进行了一些改动。

Sub BSR_Refresher()
'Refreshes the spreadsheet and copies it with today's date

' Gets name to save new workbook as
  Dim StrSaveName As String
    Dim StrFolderPath As String
    StrSaveName = "Report" & Format(Date, ddmmyyyy) & ".xlsx"
    StrFolderPath = "\\Company.local\anyDrive\Company\Projects\Project-001\Reporting\Status Report Updates\"
    StrSaveAs = StrFolderPath & StrSaveName
'Deletes Sheet1, Clears all filters

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'Refreshes Spreadsheet
On Error Resume Next

   For Each objConnection In ThisWorkbook.Connections
        'Get current background-refresh value
        bBackground = objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery

        'Temporarily disable background-refresh
        objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False

        'Refresh this connection

        'Set background-refresh value back to original value
        objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = bBackground

'Saves Spreadsheet

 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=StrSaveAs

End Sub

My issue is that it doesn't seem to save to where it needs to be :S 我的问题是它似乎没有保存到需要的位置:S

ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\\Company.local

Double "\\" sign is your problem. 双“ \\”符号是您的问题。 Cut one of those and you should be fine (or at least you'll move to some other problem if it turns out there is one later). 剪掉其中之一,你应该没事(或者,如果后来发现有至少一个,至少您会遇到其他问题)。

Also, calling your project Project-001 will bite you once you have several projects and you can't remember which number is doing what. 此外,一旦您有多个项目,就称您的项目Project-001将咬您,并且您不记得哪个号码在做什么。 Best to start giving proper descriptive names right at the start. 最好从一开始就开始提供适当的描述性名称。

Edit: You don't specify file format in your SaveAs - this may cause problems. 编辑:您未在SaveAs指定文件格式-这可能会导致问题。 Will such code help? 这样的代码会有所帮助吗?

Sub TestSave()

    Dim savepath As String

    savepath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\\testdir\" & "test.xlsm"

    ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=savepath, FileFormat:=52

End Sub

51 is xlsx, 52 is xlsm, 56 is xls 51是xlsx,52是xlsm,56是xls

You cannot include slashes in Windows file names. Windows文件名中不能包含斜杠。 You are missing speech marks in the Format function. 您在Format功能中缺少语音标记。 Change this code: 更改此代码:

    StrSaveName = "Report" & Format(Date, ddmmyyyy) & ".xlsx"

To: 至:

    StrSaveName = "Report" & Format(Date, "ddmmyyyy") & ".xlsx"

to get the date as 08072015. 获取日期为08072015。

OK. 好。 Thanks to Jacek and Chips I've managed to trouble shoot this VBA. 多亏了Jacek和Chips,我才得以解决这个VBA的麻烦。

Seems that I'd formatted the "save as" data wrongly. 似乎我错误地格式化了“另存为”数据。 Below is the working Macro, in case anyone else comes across the issue :) 下面是工作中的宏,以防其他任何人遇到问题:)

Next step is for me to do a show/hide so the only thing that shows on entry to the workbook is the spreadsheet update page. 下一步是让我进行显示/隐藏,因此在输入工作簿时唯一显示的是电子表格更新页面。 I'll post the code for this later as an additional comment. 我将在稍后发布此代码作为附加注释。

Sub Spreadsheet_Refresher()

'Refreshes the spreadsheet and copies it with today's date

' Gets name to save new workbook as
  Dim StrSaveName As String
  Dim StrFolderPath As String
 StrSaveName = "Report" & " " & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") & ".xlsm"
    StrFolderPath = "\\Company.local\AnyDrive\Company\Projects\001\Reporting\Status Report Updates\"
    StrSaveAs = StrFolderPath & StrSaveName

'Deletes Update Spreadsheet worksheet

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    Sheets("Update Spreadsheet").Select

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'Refreshes Spreadsheet

  For Each objConnection In ThisWorkbook.Connections
    'Get current background-refresh value
    bBackground = objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery

    'Temporarily disable background-refresh
    objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False

    'Refresh this connection

    'Set background-refresh value back to original value
    objConnection.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = bBackground

'Saves Spreadsheet

 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=StrSaveAs

End Sub

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