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Woocommerce 订单更新 webhook 未触发

[英]Woocommerce order update webhook not firing

I am using woo commerce and I have been looking at the webhooks.我正在使用 woo commerce,我一直在查看 webhooks。

All of them have logs (aka they have been firing)他们都有日志(也就是他们一直在开火)

However, the order.updated webhook is the only one which does not have any logs.然而,order.updated webhook 是唯一没有任何日志的。

Can anybody help me?有谁能够帮我? I have contacted woo themselves and have not had a response + checked many many threads but there does not seem to be a clue anywhere.我已经联系了 woo 自己,但没有得到回应 + 检查了很多线程,但似乎没有任何线索。



Have tried your approach created a Webhook with the order.updated as action. 尝试过你的方法创建了一个带有order.updated为动作的Webhook。


Now ordered a product. 现在订购了一个产品。 And did the following 并做了以下

Changed the status from the following buttons. 从以下按钮更改状态。


But the webhook didn't fired at all. 但是webhook根本没有被解雇。

Then went to the respective order and added some custom field value and clicked on save order. 然后转到相应的订单并添加一些自定义字段值并单击保存订单。


Then checked the Webhook log. 然后检查Webhook日志。 Yes for this above action a webhook triggered. 是的,对于上面的操作,webhook触发了。


Now i tried with changing the status of the order from the order edit page itself. 现在我尝试从订单编辑页面本身更改订单的状态。

Here changed from processing to on-hold status and did save order. 这里从处理状态变为暂停状态并保存了订单。 (Status processing was set previous while trying to update status from the order list dashboard itself.) (尝试从订单列表仪表板本身更新状态时,先前设置了状态处理。)


Again checked the webhook log for the same. 再次检查webhook日志是否相同。 Yes and now the webhook had one more trigger logged in it. 是的,现在webhook又记录了一个触发器。


Finally got to a conclusion that this order.updated action is triggered when any changes are made and saved view the editing the single order page. 最后得出结论,当进行任何更改并保存查看编辑单个订单页面时,触发此order.updated操作。

A Collaborator has suggested to use action.woocommerce_order_status_changed instead. 协作者建议使用action.woocommerce_order_status_changed。

In my case the cron-jobs were deactivated, due to an Error of our hosting provider.在我的例子中,由于我们的托管服务提供商的错误, cron-jobs被停用了。

The cron jobs can be viewed using this URL. Over the GUI i could not find the cron Job page.可以使用此 URL 查看 cron 作业。在 GUI 上我找不到 cron 作业页面。


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