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[英]ToList() throws an exception

I try to retrieve a list from the data base. 我尝试从数据库中检索列表。 However when I call the ToList() method it throws and exception.Knowing that the database is not empty. 但是,当我调用ToList()方法时,它会抛出异常。知道数据库不为空。

 var listeRef = from r in db.refAnomalies
                       select r;
        rapportAnomalie rp = new rapportAnomalie();
        List<refAnomalie> listeRefference = listeRef.ToList();

The exception : {"Invalid column name 'rapportAnomalie_code_rapport'."} 异常: {"Invalid column name 'rapportAnomalie_code_rapport'."}

this is my database tables: 这是我的数据库表:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[refAnomalie] (
[code_anomalie]    INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
[libelle_anomalie] NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
[score_anomalie]   INT            NOT NULL,
[classe_anomalie]  NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.refAnomalie] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([code_anomalie] ASC)

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[rapportAnomalie] (
[code_rapport] INT           IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
[date_rapport] DATETIME      NOT NULL,
[etat]         NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
[code_agence]  INT           NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_dbo.rapportAnomalie] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([code_rapport]    ASC),
CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.rapportAnomalie_dbo.agence_code_agence] FOREIGN KEY    ([code_agence]) REFERENCES [dbo].[agence] ([code_agence]) ON DELETE CASCADE

  ON [dbo].[rapportAnomalie]([code_agence] ASC);

rapportAnomalie Class : rapportAnomalie类别:

   public partial class rapportAnomalie
    public int code_rapport { get; set; }

    public DateTime date_rapport { get; set; }

    public string etat { get; set; }

    public int code_agence { get; set; }
    public agence agence { get; set; }

    public List<refAnomalie> listeRefAnomalie { get; set; }
    public List<ligneRapportAnomalie> listeLigneRapportAnomalie { get; set;       }

Anyone knows how to fix it? 有人知道如何解决吗?

I replaced 我更换了

var listeRef = from r in db.refAnomalies
                   select r;


String sql = @"select * from refAnomalie";
        List<refAnomalie> listeRefference = new List<refAnomalie>();
        var con =  new SqlConnection("data source=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;initial catalog=Banque;integrated security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework");
        using (var command= new SqlCommand(sql,con)){

            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())

                while (reader.Read())
                    listeRefference.Add(new refAnomalie
                        code_anomalie = reader.GetInt32(0),
                        libelle_anomalie = reader.GetString(1),
                        score_anomalie = reader.GetInt32(2),
                        classe_anomalie = reader.GetString(3)


and it worked fine 而且效果很好

The error message is quite clear: EF evidently generates a query simliar to... 错误消息非常清楚:EF显然会生成与...类似的查询。

select ..., rapportAnomalie_code_rapport, ...
from refAnomalie

...and the error tells you that there is no rapportAnomalie_code_rapport column in refAnomalie . ...和错误告诉你,有没有rapportAnomalie_code_rapportrefAnomalie

You need to take a look at the class that EF generates for refAnomalie . 您需要看一下EF为refAnomalie生成的类。 There is probably a reference to that mysterious column somewhere in there. 那里的某个地方可能引用了那个神秘的专栏。

@Omar, Changing the complete approach is not the solution of the problem. @Omar,更改完整方法不是解决问题的方法。 The way I see this problem is you're having naming convention issue with Navigation properties. 我看到此问题的方式是,导航属性出现命名约定问题。 Which sometime confuses the EF and results in generating a "Guessed" column name which doesn't exist. 有时会混淆EF并导致生成不存在的“已猜测”列名称。

I would recommend to thoroughly go through this Discussion about navigation property and name generations. 我建议彻底通过这个去讨论有关导航属性和名称代。 Also check how to overcome this using InverseProperty attribute. 还要检查如何使用InverseProperty属性克服此问题

Since We don't have complete details of your EF code first entities it's really hard to point out the problem area. 由于我们没有您的EF代码优先实体的完整详细信息,因此很难指出问题所在。 But hope above suggestions will help you re-visit your code and identify the problem. 但是希望以上建议可以帮助您重新访问代码并确定问题。

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