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[英]Full Calendar - Rails - Adding Custom CSS Classes to Events

I'm showing Appointments on a calendar. 我在日历上显示约会。 I'm looking to add a class to the event so that I can change their background colour based on the status of the Appointment. 我正在向事件添加一个类,以便可以根据约会的状态更改其背景颜色。


    var user_id = '<%= params[:id] %>';
    var eventsPath = "/users/" + user_id + "/appointments.json";

          editable: false,
          handleWindowResize: true,
          displayEventEnd: false,
          firstDay: 1,
          allDaySlot: false,
          columnFormat: 'ddd',
          scrollTime: '12:00:00',
          eventBackgroundColor: '#505B75',
          eventBorderColor: '#505B75',
          header: {
              left: 'prev,next today',
              center: 'title',
              right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
          defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
          height: 650,
          slotDuration: "00:15:00",
          slotEventOverlap: false,
          loading: function(bool){
              if (bool) 
          events: eventsPath,
          allDay: false,


Here's the events path (JSON) 这是事件路径(JSON)

json.array! User.find(params[:user_id]).appointments do |appointment|
  json.extract! appointment, :id, :business_title
  json.title appointment.business_title
  json.start appointment.starts_at
  json.className 'boobs'
  json.end appointment.starts_at + 30.minutes
  json.url appointment_url(appointment, format: :html)

You can add styles to specific events through an eventRender callback. 您可以通过eventRender回调向特定事件添加样式。 The event has already rendered, so you'll need to alter the style / add a class to the element directly. 该事件已经呈现,因此您需要更改样式/直接向该元素添加一个类。

    eventRender: eventRenderCallback,

function eventRenderCallback(event, element){

        background-color:red !important;

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