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[英]Elastic Search Default Mapping Configuration

I am looking for Elastic Search configuration for index mapping which can be used by all index. 我正在寻找用于索引映射的Elastic Search配置,该配置可被所有索引使用。

For example - We will create index per customer with same set of mappings. 例如-我们将使用相同的映射集为每个客户创建索引。 So for this can we set this mapping somewhere in Elastic Search? 因此,我们可以在Elastic Search中的某个地方设置此映射吗? So that we can create index directly without sending mapping all the time? 这样我们就可以直接创建索引,而不必一直发送映射?

Thanks, Sameer 谢谢,Sameer

You're probably looking for a template, which you can define to apply to a new index with a given name. 您可能正在寻找一个模板,您可以定义该模板以将其应用于具有给定名称的新索引。 Check out the official doc or maybe this blog will help. 请查看官方文档,否则此博客可能会有所帮助。

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