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尝试为Java RESTful服务构建Response对象

[英]trying to build a Response object for a Java RESTful service

I am trying to build a Response object with a information I am getting back from a database. 我正在尝试使用从数据库中获取的信息来构建Response对象。 The information I am getting back is in a Change object: 我返回的信息在Change对象中:

The change.getDocument() coming back is: 返回的change.getDocument()是:


So I am creating a Response like this: 所以我正在创建这样的响应:

 return Response.status(422).location(location).entity(changeRequest).build();

In the unit test I do this: 在单元测试中,我这样做:

    String responseJson = response.readEntity(String.class);
    System.out.println("The response is: " + responseJson);

For testing, but I get this result: 为了测试,但我得到了以下结果:

The response is: {"object_id" : 333,"object_type" : "class com.entities.Solution", "operation" : "", "revision" : 0, "remote_user" : "",   "remote_host" : "", "created" : "", "published" : "", "comment" : "HTTP Status Code 422", "error" : "HTTP Status Code 422, there is a pending change request for this Solution. Replying with pending ChangeRequest",  "document" : {} }

Everything is as expected, but the document node contains no information. 一切都按预期进行,但是文档节点不包含任何信息。 Am I building the Response object correctly? 我是否正确构建Response对象?

Try to return it in this way: 尝试以这种方式返回它:


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