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更改OWIN RedirectToIdentityProvider通知中的ReturnUrl

[英]Changing ReturnUrl in OWIN RedirectToIdentityProvider notification

We are currently overriding WSFederationAuthenticationModule.RedirectToIdentityProvider in our product to change the returnUrl to which the users agent is redirected to after authentication. 当前,我们在产品中重写WSFederationAuthenticationModule.RedirectToIdentityProvider ,以更改身份验证后将用户代理重定向到的returnUrl。

Now we're in the proces of adopting OWIN (Katana) middleware instead of HttpModules. 现在我们处于采用OWIN(Katana)中间件而不是HttpModules的过程中。 In the RedirectToIdentityProvider notification in WsFederationAuthenticationOptions , I see the WCtx parameter now contains a WsFedOwinState parameter which is encrypted using DPAPI. WsFederationAuthenticationOptionsRedirectToIdentityProvider通知中,我看到WCtx参数现在包含一个WsFedOwinState参数,该参数已使用DPAPI加密。

How do I implement the RedirectToIdentityProvider action to change the return URL? 如何实现RedirectToIdentityProvider操作来更改返回URL? Do I need to decrypt the WsFedOwinState parameter to add the returnUrl query parameter or is there some other way? 我是否需要解密WsFedOwinState参数以添加returnUrl查询参数,还是有其他方法?

inside RedirectToIdentityProvider, you will have access to the WsFederationMessage. 在RedirectToIdentityProvider中,您将有权访问WsFederationMessage。

Set the Wreply property to the value you need. 将Wreply属性设置为所需的值。

As a note: MachineKey is used by default, not DPAPI for protecting wctx. 注意:默认情况下使用MachineKey,而不使用DPAPI保护wctx。

In my case, I changed the return URL in SecurityTokenValidated and had the redirection from ADFS always go to the same URL 就我而言,我更改了SecurityTokenValidated的返回URL,并使从ADFS的重定向始终转到相同的URL

 public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

    app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions { AuthenticationType = WsFederationAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType });

    app.UseWsFederationAuthentication(new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
        Wtrealm = realm,
        MetadataAddress = adfsMetadata,
        Notifications = new WsFederationAuthenticationNotifications
            SecurityTokenValidated = nx =>
                nx.AuthenticationTicket.Properties.RedirectUri = "/RedirectionGoesHere.aspx";
                return Task.FromResult(0);
    // This makes any middleware defined above this line run before the Authorization rule is applied in web.config

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