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Angular JS $ http请求-缓存成功响应

[英]Angular JS $http request - caching success response

I've got a simple dataFactory that retrieves some posts: 我有一个简单的dataFactory可以检索一些帖子:

dataFactory.getPosts = function () {
    if (this.httpPostsData == null) {
        this.httpPostsData = $http.get("http://localhost/matImms/wp-json/posts?type=journey&filter[posts_per_page]=-1&filter[order]=ASC&filer[orderby]=date")
            .success(function (posts) {

            .error(function (posts) {
                console.log('Unable to load post data: ' + JSON.stringify(posts));

    return (this.httpPostsData);

The controller calls the factory and I understand that the posts are promises -so there is some stuff done on success and some stuff that is done anyway. 控制器打电话给工厂,我知道这些职位都是承诺的-因此,成功有一些事情要做,反正有一些事情要做。 This works fine. 这很好。

.controller('CardsCtrl', function($scope, dataFactory,
        $ionicSlideBoxDelegate, $stateParams) {

    var parentID = $stateParams.parentID;
    var keyIDNumber = $stateParams.keyID;

    $scope.card = [];

    var httpcall = dataFactory.getPosts()
        .success(function (posts) {
            $scope.card = dataFactory.getChildPosts(parentID, posts, keyIDNumber);


    // do other stuff ......

However, I'm now trying to cache the post data - but when the controller is called a second time it returns the error .success is not a function. 但是,我现在正在尝试缓存发布数据-但是,当第二次调用控制器时,它将返回错误。成功不是函数。 I assume the is because the posts have already been returned - but how do I handle this? 我认为是因为帖子已经被退回-但是我该如何处理呢?

That's because you're not returning the $http.get , you're returning the promise after .success and .error have already been handled. 那是因为您没有返回$http.get ,而是在已经处理了.success.error之后返回了.success

You can either change the controller to call .then on the return, or change the service to just return the $http.get (remove the .success and .error ) and handle them in the controller. 您可以将控制器更改为在返回时调用.then ,也可以将服务更改为仅返回$http.get (删除.success.error )并在控制器中进行处理。

If you change the controller to use .then you'll also need to update the .success function in the service to return posts; 如果更改控制器使用.then你还需要更新.success在服务功能return posts; .

Have you tried setting the cache option to true in your $http call? 您是否尝试过在$http调用中将cache选项设置为true? Like here https://stackoverflow.com/a/14117744/1283740 像这里https://stackoverflow.com/a/14117744/1283740

Maybe something like this... 也许是这样的...

angular.module('foo', [])

.factory('dataFactory', ['$http', function($http){

  var dataFactory = {
          getPosts: getPosts

  function getPosts(){

    var url = "http://localhost/matImms/wp-json/posts?type=journey&filter[posts_per_page]=-1&filter[order]=ASC&filer[orderby]=date"

    return $http({ cache: true, url: url, method: 'GET'})
      .error(function (posts) {
        console.log('Unable to load post data: ' + JSON.stringify(posts));


   return dataFactory;


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