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排序ArrayList <HashMap<String, String> &gt;使用价值

[英]sort ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> using value

I have ArrayList of Hashmap in my code i have confusion that which sort method should i use? 我的代码中有Hashmap的ArrayList,我很困惑应该使用哪种排序方法? my code is as following 我的代码如下

arraylist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
            // Retrieve JSON Objects from the given URL address
            jsonobject = JSONFunctions
                        .getJSONfromURL("https://api.foursquare.com/v2/venues/search?    client_id=ACAO2JPKM1MXHQJCK45IIFKRFR2ZVL0QASMCBCG5NPJQWF2G&client_secret=YZCKUYJ1W    HUV2QICBXUBEILZI1DMPUIDP5SHV043O04FKBHL&v=20130815&ll=-34.678,138.87&radius=5000&section=coffee");

        try {
            // Locate the array name in JSON
            jsonarray = jsonobject.getJSONObject("response");

            JSONArray jsonSubarray = jsonarray.getJSONArray("venues");
            Log.v("Response Array", String.valueOf(jsonSubarray));

            for (int i = 0; i < jsonSubarray.length(); i++) {
                HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

                jsonobject = jsonSubarray.getJSONObject(i);
                // Retrive JSON Objects
                // Retrive JSON Objects

                Log.v("Store name", jsonobject.getString("name"));
                map.put("storeName", jsonobject.getString("name"));

                JSONObject locationObject = jsonobject.getJSONObject("location");
                Log.v("if condition",String.valueOf( locationObject.has("city")));
                    map.put("city", locationObject.getString("city"));

                double km = Double.valueOf(locationObject.getString("distance")) / 1000 ;
                Log.v("distance", String.valueOf(km));
                map.put("distance", String.valueOf(km));


        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.e("Error", e.getMessage());
        return null;

And here is my JSON data format 这是我的JSON数据格式

"id": "4e321829d4c00077f657b8ec",
            "name": "TeAro Estate Wines",
            "contact": {},
            "location": {
                "lat": -34.670859098532766,
                "lng": 138.89067804714347,
                "distance": 2053,
                "cc": "AU",
                "city": "Williamstown",
                "state": "SA",
                "country": "Australia",
                "formattedAddress": [
                    "Williamstown SA",
            "categories": [
                    "id": "4bf58dd8d48988d14b941735",
                    "name": "Winery",
                    "pluralName": "Wineries",
                    "shortName": "Winery",
                    "icon": {
                        "prefix": "https://ss3.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/food/winery_",
                        "suffix": ".png"
                    "primary": true
            "id": "4c454825f0bdd13a65c9cacc",
            "name": "Barossa Dam",
            "contact": {},
            "location": {
                "address": "Dam it",
                "lat": -34.645353,
                "lng": 138.848115,
                "distance": 4150,
                "cc": "AU",
                "city": "Sandy Creek",
                "state": "SA",
                "country": "Australia",
                "formattedAddress": [
                    "Dam it",
                    "Sandy Creek SA",

I want to sort it by distance please give me some advice of what approach should i use I get confused with array list and array list of hash map how can i use collection.sort to sort my data. 我想按距离对它进行排序,请给我一些建议,告诉我应该使用哪种方法,我对哈希映射的数组列表和数组列表感到困惑,如何使用collection.sort对数据进行排序。

I want to sort on the basis of a value in the ArrayList. 我想根据ArrayList中的值进行排序。

Use a Comparator to sort it. 使用比较器对其进行排序。

Comparator<HashMap<String, String>> distanceComparator = new Comparator<HashMap<String,String>>() {

    public int compare(HashMap<String, String> o1, HashMap<String, String> o2) {
        // Get the distance and compare the distance.
        Integer distance1 = Integer.parseInt(o1.get("distance"));
        Integer distance2 = Integer.parseInt(o2.get("distance"));

        return distance1.compareTo(distance2);

// And then sort it using collections.sort().
Collections.sort(arrayList, distanceComparator);
Collections.sort(arrayList, (HashMap<String, String> m1, HashMap<String, String> m2) -> 

Its one idea more concise to use java 1.8 and the Lambda expression feature. 使用Java 1.8和Lambda表达式功能更简洁。

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