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Python OpenCV在其他应用程序之上打开窗口

[英]Python OpenCV open window on top of other applications

When executing an OpenCV python script containing: cv2.imshow(img) the resulting window opens behind my terminal window. 当执行包含以下cv2.imshow(img)的OpenCV python脚本: cv2.imshow(img) ,生成的窗口将在我的终端窗口后面打开。 This is a mild irritation - is there any way to get it to initially open in front / on top? 这是一种轻微的刺激 - 有没有办法让它最初在前面/上面打开?

A number of people have asked questions ( here and here ) about forcing persistent behaviour but this is, I think, simpler. 许多人提出了关于强迫持久行为的问题( 这里这里 ),但我认为这更简单。

Platform OS X and OpenCV 2.4.11 平台OS X和OpenCV 2.4.11

One way to work around this would be to set all windows from OpenCV "frontmost" using AppleScript. 解决这个问题的一种方法是使用AppleScript将OpenCV中的所有窗口设置为“最前面”。

subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/osascript", "-e", 'tell app "Finder" to set frontmost of process "Python" to true'])

This way, all windows should be brought to the front. 这样,所有窗户都应该放在前面。

Open a namedWindow before imshow , for instance: 打开namedWindow之前imshow ,例如:

cv2.namedWindow('ImageWindowName', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)

Comment if this makes any different. 评论是否有任何不同。

I can do what I think you want by adding a single line to the following file in the OpenCV distribution: 我可以通过在OpenCV发行版中的以下文件中添加一行来完成我认为您想要的操作:


It is around line 568, and is the single line after the word SETCHELL in the code below: 它位于第568行SETCHELL ,是下面代码中单词SETCHELL之后的SETCHELL

    [window setFrameTopLeftPoint:initContentRect.origin];

    [window setFirstContent:YES];

    [window setContentView:[[CVView alloc] init]];

    [window setHasShadow:YES];
    [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
    [window useOptimizedDrawing:YES];
    [window setTitle:windowName];
    [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];

// SETCHELL - raise window to top of stacking order
[window setLevel:CGWindowLevelForKey(kCGMaximumWindowLevelKey)];

    [window setAutosize:(flags == CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)];

    [windows setValue:window forKey:windowName];

    [localpool drain];
    return [windows count]-1;

CV_IMPL int cvWaitKey (int maxWait)

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