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[英]vertical offset for element

I have this code 我有这个代码

<div style="height:[Variable]px"></div>
or [ one or several div and section , with variable height ]

<div class="Element" style="Position:relative">
     <div class="Pin"></div>


I need to get vertical offset for $('.pin') object , from top of my web page 我需要从我的网页顶部获取$('.pin')对象的垂直偏移量

So what would u guys suggest me ? 那么你们会建议我什么呢?

Compare the offset of the ".pin" tag element to how far down the page the user has scrolled. 将“ .pin”标签元素的偏移量与用户滚动的页面进行比较。 The $(window).scroll() function will get you the amount the user has scrolled down so: $(window).scroll()函数将为您提供用户向下滚动的数量,因此:

$(".select").click(function() {
  var pin = $('.pin');
  var top = offset.top;
  var bottom = $(window).height() - top - pin.height();
   bottom = bottom - offset.top; 


i hope its help 我希望它的帮助

var Pin_Offset $('.pin').offset().top

or for variable div object 或用于div变量对象


var Pin_Offset = $('.pin').offset().top + $(window).scrollTop()


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