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如何在Delphi XE2中将IDispatch转换为TOleServer?

[英]How to cast an IDispatch as a TOleServer in Delphi XE2?

I am attempting to use the Video Capture SDK from 我正在尝试从以下位置使用Video Capture SDK

DTK Software DTK软件

in my Delphi App. 在我的Delphi应用中。 The only real help they provide, is how to import their type library! 他们提供的唯一真正帮助是如何导入其类型库! I did this succesfully and have a DTKVideoCapLib_TLB.pas in my project. 我成功完成了此操作,并且在我的项目中有一个DTKVideoCapLib_TLB.pas

I got this far. 我走了这么远。

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  i: Integer;
  s: String;
  VideoCaptureUtils: TVideoCaptureUtils;
  VideoDevice: TVideoDevice;
    VideoCaptureUtils := TVideoCaptureUtils.Create(Self);
    for i := 0 to VideoCaptureUtils.VideoDevices.Count - 1 do
       s := VideoCaptureUtils.VideoDevices.Item[i].Name;
       VideoDevice := TVideoDevice(VideoCaptureUtils.Videodevices.Item[i]);

ShowMessage kindly displays me Microsoft LifeCam VX-800 ShowMessage请向我显示Microsoft LifeCam VX-800

so I must have done something right, but after the next line, in the debugger, VideoDevice is a nil . 所以我一定做对了,但是在调试器的下一行之后, VideoDevicenil

Looking over the DTKVideoCapLib_TLB.pas , I see the following 查看DTKVideoCapLib_TLB.pas ,我看到以下内容

 TVideoDevice = class(TOleServer)
    FIntf: IVideoDevice;
    function GetDefaultInterface: IVideoDevice;

  IVideoDevice = interface(IDispatch)
    function Get_Name: WideString; safecall;

So now, I really have no idea about how to proceed with this? 所以现在,我真的不知道该如何进行?

Update 更新

Corrected item[0] to item[i] in the question. 将问题中的项目[0]纠正为项目[i]。 Right-click on item[i] in the IDE and selected Find Declaration takes me to 右键单击IDE中的item [i],然后选择“查找声明”将我带到

  IVideoDeviceCollection = interface(IDispatch) 
    property Item[index: Integer]: IVideoDevice read Get_Item;

You should use as . 您应该使用as Delphi will automatically attempt to obtain the desired interface for you. Delphi将自动尝试为您获取所需的界面。 Something like this (untested!) should work: 这样的东西(未经测试!)应该可以工作:

  VideoDevice: IVideoDevice; // note the type of the variable
VideoDevice := VideoCaptureUtils.Videodevices.Item[0] as IVideoDevice;

Your update, however, provides more detail that weren't present when I wrote my original answer. 但是,您的更新提供了我撰写原始答案时未提供的更多详细信息。 That update includes code that indicates that Videodevices already contains IVideoDevice , so you don't need the cast at all - you just need the proper variable declaration: 该更新包括指示Videodevices已经包含IVideoDevice ,因此您根本不需要IVideoDevice -您只需要适当的变量声明即可:

  VideoDevice: IVideoDevice; // note the type of the variable
VideoDevice := VideoCaptureUtils.Videodevices.Item[i];

has type IVideoDevice . 具有IVideoDevice类型。 So you cannot cast it to TVideoDevice . 因此,您不能将其TVideoDeviceTVideoDevice

You need to correct the type of the variable: 您需要更正变量的类型:

  VideoDevice: IVideoDevice;

And then assign it like this: 然后像这样分配它:

VideoDevice := VideoCaptureUtils.VideoDevices.Item[i];

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