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[英]Disable cache for dynamic created Javascript

I've created a dynamic javascript (test.js) file in PHP with Symfony2 and i do not want this file to be cached by browser. 我已经用Symfony2在PHP中创建了一个动态javascript(test.js)文件,但我不希望该文件被浏览器缓存。 When i insert the script test.js 2 times in one page, the first time it's loading directly from the server but for the second time the script is loaded from browser cache. 当我在一个页面中两次插入脚本test.js时,第一次是直接从服务器加载脚本,而第二次是从浏览器缓存加载脚本。 This problem appear on Chrome and IE, on Firefox everything working fine. 此问题出现在Chrome和IE上,在Firefox上一切正常。

Here a live example : http://goo.gl/sggKks (if you see 3 time same number that mean it's loaded from cache, if 3 different numbers it's loaded from server) 这是一个实时示例: http : //goo.gl/sggKks (如果您看到3次表示从缓存中加载的相同数字,如果您从服务器中加载了3个不同的数字)

I've tried many different Header() PHP settings it's doesn't change anything. 我尝试了许多不同的Header()PHP设置,但它没有任何改变。

PS: I can't use random number like test.js?r=923902390 to do the trick i need another solution PS:我不能使用test.js?r = 923902390这样的随机数来解决问题,我需要其他解决方案

If you cannot add a dynamic parameter in the URL (event if I think it's the best way to achieve what you want to do), you can disable the cache with .htaccess like this : 如果您不能在URL中添加动态参数(如果我认为这是实现所需功能的最佳方法,则可以这样做),您可以使用.htaccess禁用缓存,如下所示:

<filesMatch "\.js$">
  FileETag None
  <ifModule mod_headers.c>
     Header unset ETag
     Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
     Header set Pragma "no-cache"
     Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"

You need to activate the Apache Header module. 您需要激活Apache Header模块。

If you cannot use this, you should define your JS file as a route in Symfony, and set these headers in your controller response. 如果无法使用此功能,则应在Symfony中将JS文件定义为路由,并在控制器响应中设置这些标头。

Idea 1 (basic) 想法1(基本)

Generate the content randomness within javascript on the client side. 在客户端的javascript中生成内容随机性。 Make javascript work a little more. 使javascript工作更多。 This is probably what should be done. 这可能是应该做的。 It's more reasonable. 比较合理 Unless it's just not possible. 除非这是不可能的。

Idea 2 (less reasonable and probably overengineered) 想法2(不太合理,可能过度设计)

Make the script check its own url and load another (randomized) copy of itself. 使脚本检查其自己的URL并加载其自身的另一个(随机)副本。

// self contained auto cloning facility

   // see http://www.2ality.com/2014/05/current-script.html
   var currentScript = document.currentScript || (function() {
      var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
      return scripts[scripts.length - 1];

   // get script tag url (self)
   var url = currentScript.getAttribute('src');

   // url doesn't have random part
   if(!url.match(/\?\d+$/)) {

      // create new script tag with random part
      var s = document.createElement('script');
      s.src = url+'?'+Math.round(Math.random()*1000000000);

      // engage wild brakes
      throw "stop";

// do the actual job below this point

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